a device for reducing a liquid to a fine spray, such as the nozzle used to feed oil into a furnace or an enclosed bottle with a fine outlet used to spray perfumes or medicines
atomizer in American English
a device used to shoot out a fine spray, as of medicine or perfume
atomizer in Chemical Engineering
Word forms: (regular plural) atomizers
(Chemical Engineering: General)
An atomizer is a device that produces a fine spray from a liquid.
Most combustors employ an atomizer in which fuel is forced under high pressure through an orifice.
The function of any atomizer is to produce as homogeneous a spray as possible.
An atomizer is a device that produces a fine spray from a liquid.
atomizer in Mechanical Engineering
Word forms: (regular plural) atomizers
(Mechanical engineering: Fluid engineering)
An atomizer is a device that produces a fine spray from a liquid.
Most combustors use an atomizer in which fuel is forced under high pressure through a hole.
Atomizers are used to spray paint.
An atomizer is a device that produces a fine spray from a liquid.
Examples of 'atomizer' in a sentence
She persisted with the disapproving atomizer -- tsk, tsk -- tsk, tsk.