Bunting consists of rows of small coloured flags that are used to decorate streets and buildings on special occasions.
Red, white and blue bunting hung in the city's renovated train station.
bunting in British English1
a coarse, loosely woven cotton fabric used for flags, etc
decorative flags, pennants, and streamers
flags collectively, esp those of a boat
Word origin
C18: of unknown origin
bunting in British English2
any of numerous seed-eating songbirds of the families Fringillidae (finches, etc) or Emberizidae, esp those of the genera Emberiza of the Old World and Passerina of North America. They all have short stout bills
Word origin
C13: of unknown origin
Bunting in British English
Basil. 1900–85, British poet, author of Briggflatts (1966)
bunting in American English1
a thin cloth used in making flags, streamers, etc.
flags, or strips of cloth in the colors of the flag, used as holiday decorations
3. US
a baby's garment of soft, warm cloth made into a hooded blanket that exposes only the face
Word origin
< ? ME bonting, ger. of bonten, to sift: hence, cloth used for sifting
bunting in American English2
any of a family (Emberizidae, esp. genera Passerina and Emberiza) of small, brightly colored passerine birds with short, stout bills
Word origin
ME < ?
Image of
Examples of 'bunting' in a sentence
There they will now find other snow buntings that have come down from the Arctic.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The house was decked out in flags and bunting.
The Sun (2007)
Champagne bottles were opened early as the famous stretch became a colourful sea of flags and bunting.
The Sun (2011)
It is time to put out the blue bunting.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
The relatively rare reed bunting has also been spotted.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
But one that is particularly noticeable at present is the reed bunting.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
This is the song of the male corn bunting.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
I was hoping to find a corn bunting there.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
There was red, white and blue bunting hanging outside the building where his leadership campaign was due to launch yesterday.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Snow bunting can be common.
Perring, Franklyn A Guide to Britain's Conservation Heritage (1991)
It was a corn bunting.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
Many are waiving road closure fees, offering cash grants and giving out party packs of banners, flags and bunting.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Word lists with
bird, fabric
All related terms of 'bunting'
(of an animal) to butt (something) with the head or horns
cirl bunting
a European passerine bird Emberiza cirlus , of the bunting family Emberizidae
corn bunting
a heavily built European songbird , Emberiza calandra, with a streaked brown plumage : family Emberizidae (buntings)
reed bunting
a common European bunting , Emberiza schoeniclus , that occurs near reed beds and has a brown streaked plumage with, in the male , a black head
rock bunting
a seed-eating songbird , Emberiza cia
snow bunting
a bunting , Plectrophenax nivalis, of northern and arctic regions, having a white plumage with dark markings on the wings , back, and tail
indigo bunting
a North American bunting , Passerina cyanea, the male of which is bright blue and the female brown
Lapland bunting
a passerine bird : Calcarius lapponicus
ortolan bunting
a brownish Old World bunting , Emberiza hortulana, regarded as a delicacy
painted bunting
a brightly colored blue , green , red, and brown bunting ( Passerina ciris ) found in the S U.S.