another name for bulbil (sense 1), bulbil (sense 2)
bulbil in British English
(ˈbʌlbɪl) or bulbel (ˈbʌlbəl)
a small bulblike organ of vegetative reproduction growing in leaf axils or on flower stalks of plants such as the onion and tiger lily
any small bulb of a plant
any small bulblike structure in an animal
Word origin
C19: from New Latin bulbillus, from Latin bulbusbulb
bulblet in American English
a small bulb or bulblike structure, esp. one growing in the axils of leaves, as inthe tiger lily, or replacing flowers, as in the onion
Also called: bulbil
Word origin
[1835–45; bulb + -let]This word is first recorded in the period 1835–45. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: cutaway, daisy chain, ecumenical, grandstand, placement-let is a diminutive suffix attached to nouns (booklet; piglet; ringlet), and, by extraction from bracelet, a suffix denoting a band, piece of jewelry, or article of clothing worn on the partof the body specified by the noun (anklet; wristlet)
Examples of 'bulblet' in a sentence
Non-dividable bulblet was developed in various sizes.
Chadha Ayed, Chokri Bayoudh, Awatef Rhimi, Najla Mezghani, Faouzi Haouala, BouthainaAL Mohandes Dridi 2018, 'In vitro propagation of Tunisian local garlic (Allium sativum L.) from shoot tip culture',Journal of Horticulture and Postharvest Research Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (