the ratio of the average electric load to the peak load over a period of time
2. aeronautics
the ratio of a given external load to the weight of an aircraft
the actual payload carried by an aircraft as a percentage of its maximum payload
load factor in American English
the ratio of average load to greatest load
load factor in Electrical Engineering
(loʊd fæktər)
Word forms: (regular plural) load factors
(Electrical engineering: Electrical power, Power consumption)
A load factor is the ratio of the average electric load to the peak load over a period of time.
The load factor is the actual kilowatt-hours delivered on a system in a given period of time, asopposed to the total possible kilowatt-hours that could be delivered in a given periodof time.
The assumption of load factor in the electrical system can have a significant effect on the total number of conduitsand conductors that are required in the distribution system.
A load factor is the ratio of the average electric load to the peak load over a period of time.
load, load, load
Examples of 'load factor' in a sentence
load factor
He would have encouraged airlines to fly more modern, cleaner aircraft with higher load factors.