释义 |
View usage for: (rɪzɒlv) Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular presenttense resolves, present participle resolving, past tense, past participle resolved1. verbTo resolve a problem, argument, or difficulty means to find a solution to it. [formal] We must find a way to resolve these problems before it's too late. [VERB noun] They hoped the crisis could be resolved peacefully. [VERB noun] Synonyms: work out, answer, solve, find the solution to More Synonyms of resolve 2. verbIf you resolve to do something, you make a firm decision to do it. [formal] She resolved to report the matter to the hospital's nursing manager. [VERB to-infinitive] She resolved that, if her sister forgot this promise, she would remind her. [VERB that] Synonyms: decide, determine, undertake, make up your mind More Synonyms of resolve 3. variable noun [oft NOUN to-infinitive]Resolve is determination to do what you have decided to do. [formal] This will strengthen the American public's resolve to go to war. 4. ergative verbIf you resolve something into a clearer form, or if it resolves into a clearer form, its shape or the different parts it contains become clear. [formal] ...like a musician resolving a confused mass of sound into melodic or harmonic order. [VERB noun into noun] Each of the spirals of light resolved into points. [VERB into noun] Synonyms: change, convert, transform, alter More Synonyms of resolve More Synonyms of resolve resolve in British English (rɪˈzɒlv) verb (mainly tr)1. (takes a clause as object or an infinitive) to decide or determine firmly 2. to express (an opinion) formally, esp (of a public meeting) one agreed by a vote 3. (also intr; usually foll by into) to separate or cause to separate (into) (constituent parts or elements) 4. (usually reflexive) to change, alter, or appear to change or alter the ghost resolved itself into a tree 5. to make up the mind of; cause to decide the tempest resolved him to stay at home 6. to find the answer or solution to; solve to resolve a problem 7. to explain away or dispel to resolve a doubt 8. to bring to an end; conclude to resolve an argument 9. medicine to cause (a swelling or inflammation) to subside, esp without the formation of pus 10. (also intr) to follow (a dissonant note or chord) or (of a dissonant note or chord) to be followed by one producing a consonance 11. chemistry to separate (a racemic mixture) into its optically active constituents 12. physicsa. to distinguish between (separate parts) of (an image) as in a microscope, telescope, or other optical instrument b. to separate (two adjacent peaks) in a spectrum by means of a spectrometer 13. mathematics to split (a vector) into its components in specified directions 14. an obsolete word for dissolve noun15. something determined or decided; resolution he had made a resolve to work all day 16. firmness of purpose; determination nothing can break her resolve Derived forms resolver (reˈsolver) noun Word origin C14: from Latin resolvere to unfasten, reveal, from re- + solvere to loosen; see solveresolve in American English (rɪˈzɑlv; rɪˈzɔlv) verb transitiveWord forms: reˈsolved or reˈsolving1. to break up into separate, constituent elements or parts; analyze 2. to change or transform used reflexively a discussion that resolved itself into an argument 3. to cause (a person) to decide the flood that resolved him to sell 4. to reach as a decision or intention; determine to resolve to go 5. a. to find the solution or an answer to (a problem); solve b. to make a decision about to resolve the points at issue c. to explain or make clear; show the resolution of (a problem, a fictional plot, etc.) d. to remove or dispel (doubt, etc.) 6. to decide by vote; make a formal decision about; express by resolution, as an assembly does 7. Obsolete to cause to dissolve or melt 8. Chemistry to separate (an optically inactive compound or mixture) into its optically active components 9. Medicine to cause (a swelling, fever, etc.) to subside or disappear 10. Music to cause (a chord or tone) to undergo resolution 11. Physics to make distinguishable the individual parts of (an image, radar echo, etc.) verb intransitive12. to be resolved, as by analysis 13. to come to a decision; make a resolution; determine 14. Music to undergo resolution noun15. fixed purpose or intention; firm determination 16. a formal resolution, as of an assembly SIMILAR WORDS: deˈcide Derived forms resolver (reˈsolver) noun Word origin ME resolven < L resolvere: see re- & solve Examples of 'resolve' in a sentenceresolve If the matter cannot be resolved informally you have the right to bring a formal internal complaint.How you get around the bear is indicative of how you deal with and resolve problems.Talks to resolve the dispute were unsuccessful yesterday.Any crisis can be resolved by putting the kettle on.This must be resolved as a matter of urgency.Our door remains fully open to the union and so we hope we can sit down and resolve this matter.The post office has apologised to you for the inconvenience caused and the time it took to resolve your problem.Your resolve at work brings progress.He resolved to change and did.This issue has yet to be fully resolved with other cases pending.We had two meetings with the headteacher and staff to try to resolve matters.Which only strengthens my resolve to change.Accordingly he resolved to make an end run around them.Where this leaves them in terms of social status is a problem they find difficult to resolve.The argument was resolved by asking the astronauts in training.So she resolved to bring him up unaided.They saw a growing side which showed determination and resolve.This is a government with resolve and purpose.How long did it take for their resolve to become a normal part of their routine?What is the minimum needed to resolve this problem?Union officials will meet the firm today to try to resolve the dispute.The aim is to shorten the time cases take to resolve from a year to six months.The next we heard the matter had been resolved.Their stories have touched our hearts and strengthened our resolve.The players had to resolve problems and find solutions.And now he had come down with the firm resolve that he would not again evade the trial.We are working hard to make sure he resolves it and are giving him support to resolve it.Only we can resolve to change.One day resolve is going to crack and you're going to cheat.Where is the sense of urgency needed to resolve the crisis in Syria?I told the firm to resolve your trouble. In other languagesresolve British English: resolve VERB To resolve a problem, argument, or difficulty means to find a solution to it. We must find a way to resolve these problems before it's too late. - American English: resolve
- Brazilian Portuguese: resolver
- Chinese: 解决
- European Spanish: resolver
- French: résoudre
- German: lösen
- Italian: risolvere
- Japanese: 解決する
- Korean: 해결하다
- European Portuguese: resolver
- Latin American Spanish: resolver
British English: resolve NOUN Resolve is determination to do what you have decided to do. This will strengthen the public's resolve to go to war. - American English: resolve
- Brazilian Portuguese: resolução
- Chinese: 决心
- European Spanish: determinación
- French: résolution
- German: Entschlossenheit
- Italian: risoluzione
- Japanese: 決意
- Korean: 해결하다
- European Portuguese: resolução
- Latin American Spanish: determinación
All related terms of 'resolve'Chinese translation of 'resolve' vt - [problem, difficulty]
解决(決) (jiějué)
vi to resolve to do sth 下决(決)心去做某事 (xià juéxīn qù zuò mǒushì)
n (u) - (= determination)
决(決)心 (juéxīn)
Definition to find the answer or solution to We must find a way to resolve these problems. Synonyms work out find the solution to clear up fathom suss (out) (slang) Definition to decide or determine firmly She resolved to report the matter. The spirals of light resolved into points. Definition to separate or cause to separate into (constituent parts) Synonyms break down clear reduce disintegrate This finding should resolve some intriguing paradoxes. Definition to explain away or dispel Many years of doubt were finally resolved. Definition absolute determination He doesn't weaken in his resolve. Synonyms boldness steadfastness resoluteness Opposites wavering , indecision , cowardice , vacillation , half-heartedness the resolve to enforce a settlement using troops Additional synonymsDefinition to make or become different They have never altered their programmes. Synonyms modify, change, reform, shift, vary, transform, adjust, adapt, revise, amend, diversify, remodel, tweak (informal), recast, reshape, metamorphose, transmutea series of novels anatomizing contemporary mores Synonyms examine, study, separate, divide, resolve, break down, analyse, dissolve, dissect, scrutinizeDefinition to reply or respond (to) by word or act He paused before answering. Synonyms reply, explain, respond, resolve, acknowledge, react, return, retort, rejoin, refuteAdditional synonymsHe has now banished all thoughts of retirement. Synonyms dismiss, drop, ban, reject, shelve, discard, set aside, disregard, dispel, cast out, lay aside, put out of your mind Definition to arrange or settle finally If the clubs cannot conclude a deal, an independent tribunal will decide. Synonyms accomplish, effect, settle, bring about, fix, carry out, resolve, clinch, pull off, bring off (informal) Definition a final decision, opinion, or judgment based on reasoning We came to the conclusion that it was too difficult to combine the two techniques. Synonyms decision, agreement, opinion, settlement, resolution, conviction, verdict, judgment, deduction, inferenceDefinition to change or adapt a handy table which converts into an ironing board Synonyms change, turn, transform, alter, metamorphose, transpose, transmute, transmogrify (humorous) Definition the ability to face danger or pain without fear They do not have the courage to apologise for their actions. Synonyms bravery, nerve, fortitude, boldness, balls (vulgar, slang), bottle (British, slang), resolution, daring, guts (informal), pluck, grit, heroism, mettle, firmness, gallantry, valour, spunk (informal), fearlessness, intrepidity, hardihood, ballsiness (taboo, slang), dauntlessness, lion-heartedness Definition to solve or decipher (a code or problem) He has finally cracked the code after years of painstaking research. Synonyms solve, work out, resolve, interpret, clarify, clear up, fathom, decipher, suss (out) (slang), get to the bottom of, disentangle, elucidate, get the answer to Definition to intend (something) for a specific purpose a compromise designed to please everyone Synonyms intend, mean, plan, aim, purpose, adjust, adapt, tailor, contrive, destineDefinition an intention Is there some design in having him here? Synonyms intention, end, point, aim, plan, goal, dream, target, wish, purpose, desire, object, objective, ambition, intentDefinition to make a decision I determined that I would ask him outright. Synonyms decide, purpose, conclude, resolve, make a decision, make up your mind, come to a decision Definition to unravel or work out The author brilliantly disentangles complex debates. Synonyms resolve, clear (up), work out, sort out, clarify, simplifyAdditional synonymsDefinition to examine critically and minutely People want to dissect his work. Synonyms analyse, study, investigate, research, explore, break down, inspect, scrutinizeDefinition to become or cause to become liquid Heat gently until the sugar dissolves. Synonyms melt, break down, disintegrate, soften, thaw, flux, liquefy, deliquesce the earnestness of their struggle for freedom Synonyms determination, resolve, urgency, zeal, ardour, vehemenceDefinition to make (something obscure or difficult) clear He refused to elucidate the reasons for his decision. Synonyms clarify, explain, illustrate, interpret, make clear, unfold, illuminate, spell out, clear up, gloss, expound, make plain, annotate, explicate (formal), shed or throw light upon Definition to make something easily understandable, esp. by giving a clear and detailed account of it He explained the process to us in simple terms. Synonyms make clear or plain, describe, demonstrate, illustrate, teach, define, solve, resolve, interpret, disclose, unfold, clarify, clear up, simplify, expound, elucidate, put into words, throw light on, explicate (formal), give the details of There was no denying his considerable firmness of purpose. Synonyms resolve, resolution, constancy, inflexibility, steadfastness, obduracy, strictness, strength of will, fixity, fixedness, staunchness Definition to settle definitely or decide upon He's fixed a time when I can see him. Synonyms decide, set, name, choose, limit, establish, determine, settle, appoint, arrange, define, conclude, resolve, arrive at, specify, agree on Definition to have as one's purpose She intends to do A levels and go to university. Synonyms plan, mean, aim, determine, scheme, propose, purpose, contemplate, envisage, foresee, be resolved or determined, have in mind or view Definition something intended She announced her intention of standing for parliament. Synonyms aim, plan, idea, goal, end, design, target, wish, scheme, purpose, desire, object, objective, determination, intent, end in view Definition (esp. of a gas) to make or become liquid Heat the jam until it liquefies. Synonyms melt, dissolve, thaw, liquidize, run, fuse, flux, deliquesce Additional synonymsDefinition to reach a decision He had already made up his mind which side he was on. Synonyms decide, choose, determine, settle on, resolve, make a decision about, come to a decision about, reach a decision about Definition to dissolve The snow had melted. Synonyms dissolve, run, soften, fuse, thaw, diffuse, flux, defrost, liquefy, unfreeze, deliquesce Definition to change from one state or thing into something different She had been metamorphosed by the war. Synonyms transform, change, alter, remake, convert, remodel, mutate, reshape, be reborn, transmute, transfigure, transmogrify (humorous), transubstantiate Definition an aim or purpose His objective was to play golf and win. Synonyms purpose, aim, goal, end, plan, hope, idea, design, target, wish, scheme, desire, object, intention, ambition, aspiration, Holy Grail (informal), end in view, why and wherefore Definition a proposal or plan a local development project Synonyms scheme, plan, job, idea, design, programme, campaign, operation, activity, proposal, venture, enterprise, undertaking, occupation, proposition, plan of action Definition to intend or determine to do (something) His life went in the direction that he purposed. Synonyms intend, mean, plan, decide, design, aim, determine, propose, resolve, think to, contemplate, aspire, work towards, meditate, make up your mind, commit yourself, have a mind to, set your sights on Definition a fixed design or idea that is the object of an action They are prepared to go to any lengths to achieve their purpose. Synonyms aim, end, plan, hope, view, goal, design, project, target, wish, scheme, desire, object, intention, objective, ambition, aspiration, Holy Grail (informal) Definition firmness or determination He implemented policy with resolution and single-mindedness. Synonyms determination, energy, purpose, resolve, courage, dedication, fortitude, sincerity, tenacity, perseverance, willpower, boldness, firmness, staying power, stubbornness, constancy, earnestness, obstinacy, steadfastness, doggedness, relentlessness, resoluteness, staunchness Definition a decision to do something It had been her resolution to lose weight. Synonyms decision, commitment, resolve, intention, promise, aim, purpose, object, pledge, determination, intentDefinition to act as a barrier between Police moved in to separate the two groups. Synonyms divide, detach, disconnect, come between, disentangle, keep apart, move apart, disjoin Additional synonymsDefinition an act of settling Right, that's settled then. Synonyms establish, determine, confirm, fix, appoint, arrange, agreeDefinition to find the explanation for or solution to (a mystery or problem) Their domestic reforms did nothing to solve unemployment. Synonyms answer, work out, resolve, explain, crack, interpret, unfold, clarify, clear up, unravel, decipher, expound, suss (out) (slang), get to the bottom of, disentangle, elucidateDefinition (of a group of people) to go off in different directions I was beginning to think that we would never split up. Synonyms break up, part, separate, divorce, disband, part company, go separate ways Definition to change completely in form or function the speed at which your body transforms food into energy Synonyms change, convert, alter, translate, reconstruct, metamorphose, transmute, renew, transmogrify (humorous) Definition to change the form or nature of She ceased to think as anger transmuted into passion. Synonyms transform, change, convert, alter, metamorphose, transfigure, alchemize Definition a task or enterprise Organizing the show has been a massive undertaking. Synonyms task, business, operation, project, game, attempt, effort, affair, venture, enterprise, endeavourDefinition to separate something knitted or woven into individual strands He could unravel knots that others could not even attempt. Synonyms undo, separate, disentangle, free, unwind, extricate, straighten out, untangle, unknot Definition strong self-disciplined determination to do something She doesn't have the willpower to give up smoking. Synonyms self-control, drive, resolution, resolve, determination, grit, self-discipline, single-mindedness, fixity of purpose, firmness of purpose or will, force or strength of will |