A resolution is a formal decision taken at a meeting by means of a vote.
He replied that the U.N. had passed two major resolutions calling for a completewithdrawal.
...a draft resolution on the occupied territories.
2. countable noun
If you make a resolution, you decide to try very hard to do something.
They made a resolution to lose all the weight gained during the Christmas period.
3. See also New Year's resolution
4. uncountable noun
Resolution is determination to do something or not do something.
'I think I'll try a hypnotist,' I said with sudden resolution.
5. singular noun
The resolution of a problem or difficulty is the final solving of it.
...the successful resolution of a dispute. [+ to/of]
...in order to find a peaceful resolution to the crisis.
Synonyms: solution, end, settlement, outcome More Synonyms of resolution
6. uncountable noun
The resolution of an image is how clear the image is.
Now this machine gives us such high resolution that we can see very small specksof calcium.
More Synonyms of resolution
resolution in British English
the act or an instance of resolving
the condition or quality of being resolute; firmness or determination
something resolved or determined; decision
a formal expression of opinion by a meeting, esp one agreed by a vote
a judicial decision on some matter; verdict; judgment
the act or process of separating something into its constituent parts or elements
7. medicine
return from a pathological to a normal condition
subsidence of the symptoms of a disease, esp the disappearance of inflammation without the formation of pus
8. music
the process in harmony whereby a dissonant note or chord is followed by a consonant one
the ability of a television or film image to reproduce fine detail
10. physics another word for resolving power
Derived forms
resolutioner (ˌresoˈlutioner) or resolutionist (ˌresoˈlutionist)
resolution in American English
the act or process of resolving something or breaking it up into its constituent parts or elements
the result of this
a resolving, or determining; deciding
the thing determined upon; decision as to future action; resolve
a resolute quality of mind
a formal statement of opinion or determination adopted by an assembly or other formal group
a solving, as of a puzzle, or answering, as of a question; solution
that part of a play, novel, etc. in which the plot is explained or made clear
7. Medicine
the subsidence or disappearance of swelling, fever, or other manifestation of disease
8. Music
the passing of a dissonant chord (or tone in a chord) to a consonant chord (or tone)
a chord or tone to which such passing occurs
9. Physics
the capability of an optical system, or other imaging system, of making clear and distinguishable the separateparts or components of an object
Word origin
ME resolucioun, dissolution < MFr resolution < L resolutio < resolutus: see resolute
Examples of 'resolution' in a sentence
Why not make it your resolution this year to have a go at growing some?
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
The findings are food for thought for those making a new year resolution to diet.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
So allow me to suggest a new resolution.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
Make it your new year's resolution.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The post office still has my money and I feel totally helpless in finding a resolution to this.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
The draft resolution was backed by 11 countries including Britain.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Consider your New Year resolutions in the light of this.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
The City's dispute resolution specialists turned out in their droves.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Fancy the high resolution of Ultra HD but not the price?
The Sun (2017)
My own body feels the need for final resolution or it might change its stance.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
This would give you an amazing call resolution time.
Mike Daisey 21 DOG YEARS (2002)
But there is already a lengthy dispute resolution process within companies.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
We often make resolutions with insufficient will power to carry them out.
Christianity Today (2000)
It is hard to see any resolution of this crisis.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
The very high resolution model allows us to examine these changes for the first time.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
Tell us where you were and use a high resolution image please.
The Sun (2014)
They will also more easily be able to attend shareholder meetings and vote on resolutions.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
Somehow he is sticking by his new year resolution to have more fun.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
This is one resolution that it will pay you to keep!
The Sun (2006)
We will be supporting all resolutions at the meeting.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
The courts may not feel that they are the right place for the resolution of industrial disputes.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
But a final resolution still looks a long way off.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
Make a resolution to get out and meet people.
The Sun (2009)
Global equities rose amid hopes of a resolution to the crisis.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
The price of such a resolution would be high.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
No sane voice is being raised either to abandon war or to seek peaceful resolution to this conflict.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
The draft resolution was also expected to spell out the requirements for a political settlement leading to a permanent ceasefire.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
The images would be clearer; the resolution higher.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
Then, as if he had taken a sudden resolution, he spoke again.
Elizabeth Gaskell Wives and Daughters (1864)
Make it a New Year resolution to sort it.
The Sun (2016)
In other languages
British English: resolution /ˌrɛzəˈluːʃən/ NOUN
A resolution is a formal decision taken at a meeting by means of a vote.
The resolution declared the republic independent.
American English: resolution
Arabic: قَرَار
Brazilian Portuguese: resolução
Chinese: 决议
Croatian: rezolucija
Czech: usnesení
Danish: resolution
Dutch: resolutie
European Spanish: resolución
Finnish: päättäväisyys
French: résolution
German: Entschlossenheit
Greek: αποφασιστικότητα
Italian: risoluzione
Japanese: 決意
Korean: 결심
Norwegian: besluttsomhet
Polish: postanowienie
European Portuguese: resolução
Romanian: hotărâre
Russian: резолюция
Latin American Spanish: resolución
Swedish: upplösning
Thai: มติ
Turkish: kararlılık
Ukrainian: рішення
Vietnamese: nghị quyết
All related terms of 'resolution'
high resolution
a great amount of detail visible in a photographic , TV, or video image
joint resolution
a resolution passed by both houses of a bicameral legislature , signed by the chief executive and legally binding
concurrent resolution
a resolution passed by one branch of a legislature and concurred in by the other, indicating the opinion of the legislature but not having the force of law
New Year resolution
a promise to yourself or decision to do something, esp to improve one's behaviour or lifestyle in some way, during the year ahead
New Year's resolution
If you make a New Year's resolution , you make a decision at the beginning of a year to start doing something or to stop doing something.
gag rule
any closure regulation adopted by a deliberative body