Harry, real name Wu Hongda. 1937–2016, Chinese dissident and human-rights campaigner, a US citizen from 1994: held in labour camps (1960–79); exiled to the US in 1985 but returned secretly to document forced labour in Chinese prisons
Wu in British English2
a group of dialects of Chinese spoken around the Yangtze delta
All related terms of 'Wu'
Wu Di
156 bc –86 bc , Chinese emperor (140–86) of the Han dynasty , who greatly extended the Chinese empire and made Confucianism the state religion
Wu Ti
156 bc –86 bc , Chinese emperor (140–86) of the Han dynasty , who greatly extended the Chinese empire and made Confucianism the state religion
Wu Hou
625–705 ad Chinese empress (655–705) of the Tang dynasty
title of Chu Yuan-Zhang (or Chu Y üan-Chang ), 1328–98, first emperor (1368–98) of the Ming dynasty , uniting China under his rule by 1382
title of Chu Yuan-Zhang (or Chu Y üan-Chang ), 1328–98, first emperor (1368–98) of the Ming dynasty , uniting China under his rule by 1382
a city in E China , in S Jiangsu province on the Grand Canal : textile industry . Pop: 1 192 000 (2005 est)
a city in NW China , capital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region: trading centre on a N route between China and central Asia . Pop: 1 562 000 (2005 est)
a former city of E central China : now a part of Wuhan