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View usage for: Definition to give up office or a job He has resigned after only ten weeks in office. Synonyms step down (informal) call it a day or night give or hand in your notice Definition to give up (a right or claim) He has resigned his seat in parliament. phrasal verbSee resign yourself to somethingAdditional synonymsThey were persuaded to abandon their lawsuit. Synonyms give up, resign from, yield, surrender, relinquish, renounce, waive, cede, forgo, abdicateDefinition to give up the throne formally The last French king abdicated in 1848. Synonyms resign, retire, quit, step down (informal) Definition to transfer or surrender (territory or legal rights) The General had promised to cede power by January. Synonyms surrender, grant, transfer, abandon, yield, concede, hand over, relinquish, renounce, make over, abdicate (rɪzaɪn) Word forms: 3rd person singular presenttense resigns, present participle resigning, past tense, past participle resigned1. verbIf you resign from a job or position, you formally announce that you are leaving it. A hospital administrator has resigned over claims he lied to get the job. [VERB] Mr Robb resigned his position last month. [VERB noun] 2. verbIf you resign yourself to an unpleasant situation or fact, you accept it because you realize that you cannot change it. Pat and I resigned ourselves to yet another summer without a boat. [VERB pronoun-reflexive + to] He had resigned himself to watching the European Championships on television. [V pron-refl to n/-ing] 3. See also resigned More Synonyms of resign resign in British English (rɪˈzaɪn) verb1. (when intr, often foll by from) to give up tenure of (a job, office, etc) 2. (transitive) to reconcile (oneself) to; yield to resign oneself to death 3. (transitive) to give up (a right, claim, etc); relinquish he resigned his claim to the throne Derived forms resigner (reˈsigner) noun Word origin C14: from Old French resigner, from Latin resignāre to unseal, invalidate, destroy, from re- + signāre to seal; see signresign in American English (rɪˈzaɪn) verb transitive1. to give up possession of; relinquish (a claim, etc.) 2. to give up (an office, position, etc.) verb intransitive3. to give up an office, position of employment, etc., esp. by formal notice often with from Idioms: resign oneself (to) Word origin ME resignen < MFr resigner < L resignare < re-, back + signare, to UNRESOLVED CROSS REFExamples of 'resign' in a sentenceresign He resigned last year to run for the Elysée.Just time to resign from your job and take the bins out, then.Three deacons had resigned within the last year.She was resigned to getting a proper job and finding a leisure pursuit for the weekends.He has not yet formally resigned from the bank.He resigned from his position at the hospital.The police chief resigned last week.He was suspended from his job and resigned soon after, although he initially denied any wrongdoing.You don't want other employees to feel they have to resign to get a pay rise.Three Cabinet ministers were forced to resign last month.After being an officer for ten years, she resigned last year without facing a full disciplinary procedure.I would like to look for a new position and resign from my current one.I ended up resigning to get my system working again.Other shadow ministers were talked out of resigning last week by colleagues who urged them to hold their fire until they could do more damage.But it did not work out that way and she has resigned - to get away from all the tourists.He resigned over the claims.I've just resigned from my job.I just want to do really well, get resigned and come back.Within days, the dad of three resigned from his job at Heathrow airport.He remains the largest shareholder in Birmingham's holding company despite resigning from all positions before the trial verdict.The Government of the Netherlands resigned last week having failed to secure agreement for its proposals to reduce the budget deficit.A HEAD and her deputy have resigned amid claims their primary school fiddled exam results. British English: resign / rɪˈzaɪn/ VERB If you resign from a job or position, you formally announce that you are leaving it. He resigned as chairman of the council. - American English: resign
- Arabic: يَسْتَقيلُ
- Brazilian Portuguese: resignar-se
- Chinese: 辞职
- Croatian: dati ostavku
- Czech: rezignovat
- Danish: træde tilbage
- Dutch: ontslag nemen
- European Spanish: dimitir
- Finnish: erota virastaan
- French: démissionner
- German: zurücktreten von Job
- Greek: παραιτούμαι
- Italian: dimettersi
- Japanese: 辞職する
- Korean: 사임하다
- Norwegian: trekke seg
- Polish: zrzec się
- European Portuguese: demitir-se
- Romanian: a demisiona
- Russian: уходить в отставку
- Latin American Spanish: dimitir
- Swedish: avgå avträda
- Thai: ลาออก
- Turkish: istifa etmek
- Ukrainian: відмовлятися від посади
- Vietnamese: từ chức
Chinese translation of 'resign' vt - [one's job]
辞(辭)去 (cíqù)
vi -
辞(辭)职(職) (cízhí) to resign o.s. to sth [situation, fact] 听(聽)任某事 (tīngrèn mǒushì)
Additional synonymsDefinition to give up or do without The men would not forgo the chance of a feast. Synonyms give up, sacrifice, surrender, do without, kick (informal), abandon, resign, yield, relinquish, renounce, waive, say goodbye to, cede, abjure, leave alone or out Definition to give up (something valued or enjoyed) She forsook her notebook for new technology. Synonyms give up, set aside, relinquish, forgo, kick (informal), yield, surrender, renounce, have done with, stop using, abdicate, stop having, turn your back on, forswearDefinition to stop attending or belonging to a particular organization or institution I left school with no qualifications. Synonyms quit, give up, get out of, resign from, drop out of Definition to renounce (a claim or right) He does not intend to relinquish power. Synonyms give up, leave, release, drop, abandon, resign, desert, quit, yield, hand over, surrender, withdraw from, let go, retire from, renounce, waive, vacate, say goodbye to, forsake, cede, repudiate, cast off, forgo, abdicate, kiss (something) goodbye, lay aside Definition to give up formally (a claim or right) He renounced his claim to the throne. Synonyms disclaim, deny, decline, give up, resign, relinquish, waive, renege, forgo, abdicate, abjure, abnegateDefinition to resign or withdraw, often in favour of another Profits plunged and he stood down as chief executive last January. Synonyms resign, leave, quit, abdicate, give in your notice, call it a day or night Definition to give (something) up voluntarily to another She had to surrender all rights to her property. Synonyms give up, abandon, relinquish, resign, yield, concede, part with, renounce, waive, forgo, cede, deliver up Definition to give up (a job or position) She recently vacated her post as Finance Director. Synonyms quit, leave, resign from, give up, withdraw from, chuck (informal), retire from, relinquish, renounce, walk out on, pack in (informal), abdicate, step down from (informal), stand down from Definition to give up control of He may yield control. Synonyms relinquish, resign, hand over, surrender, turn over, part with, make over, cede, give over, bequeath, abdicate, deliver up |