A breakwater is a wooden or stone wall that extends from the shore into the sea and is built in order to protect a harbour or beach from the force of the waves.
Synonyms: sea wall, spur, mole, jetty More Synonyms of breakwater
breakwater in British English
(ˈbreɪkˌwɔːtə) or breakwall (ˈbreɪkˌwɔːl)
1. Also called: mole
a massive wall built out into the sea to protect a shore or harbour from the force of waves
2. another name for groyne
breakwater in American English
a barrier to break the impact of waves, as before a harbor
: occasionally ˈbreakˌwall
Examples of 'breakwater' in a sentence
Against the night sky was a darker shape, ghosting past the breakwater.
Terman, Douglas CORMORANT (2002)
The Night Watch ghosted past a few fishing boats and a rotting cabin cruiser, then nosed through the gap in the marina's breakwater.
Terman, Douglas CORMORANT (2002)
I picked it up and moved on toward the breakwater, stopping occasionally to turn over a stone or a clump of seaweed.
Joanne Harris COASTLINERS (2002)
Suddenly a breakwater loomed up in front.
sea wall
Schooners are moored off wooden jetties.
Additional synonyms
in the sense of jetty
a structure built from a shore out into the water to protect a harbour