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View usage for: (lɪŋgəʳ) Word forms: 3rd person singular presenttense lingers, present participle lingering, past tense, past participle lingered1. verbWhen something such as an idea, feeling, or illness lingers, it continues to exist for a long time, often much longer than expected. The scent of her perfume lingered on in the room. [VERB adverb/preposition] A guerrilla war has lingered into its fourth decade. [VERB adverb/preposition] He was ashamed. That feeling lingered, and he was never comfortable in church afterthat. [VERB] He would rather be killed in a race than die a lingering death in hospital. [VERB-ing] 2. verbIf you linger somewhere, you stay there for a longer time than is necessary, for example because you are enjoying yourself. Customers are welcome to linger over coffee until around midnight. [VERB adverb/preposition] I lingered on in Atlanta for a few days, spending much of my time with an artistfriend. [VERB adverb/preposition] It is a dreary little town where few would choose to linger. [VERB] Synonyms: stay, remain, stop, wait More Synonyms of linger More Synonyms of linger linger in British English (ˈlɪŋɡə) verb (mainly intr)1. to delay or prolong departure 2. to go in a slow or leisurely manner; saunter 3. to remain just alive for some time prior to death 4. to persist or continue, esp in the mind 5. to be slow to act; dither; procrastinate Derived forms lingerer (ˈlingerer) noun lingering (ˈlingering) adjective lingeringly (ˈlingeringly) adverb Word origin C13 (northern dialect) lengeren to dwell, from lengen to prolong, from Old English lengan; related to Old Norse lengja; see long1linger in American English (ˈlɪŋgər) verb intransitive1. to continue to stay, esp. through reluctance to leave lingering at the door 2. to continue to live or exist although very close to death or the end 3. to be unnecessarily slow in doing something; delay; loiter verb transitive4. to spend (time) idly, slowly, etc. SIMILAR WORDS: stay Derived forms lingerer (ˈlingerer) noun lingering (ˈlingering) adjective lingeringly (ˈlingeringly) adverb Word origin North ME lengeren, freq. of lengen, to delay, stay < OE lengan, to lengthen, delay < base of lang, long 1Examples of 'linger' in a sentencelinger Failure to do so condemns archaeology in this country to a lingering death.They are rather sinister creatures that like to stalk their prey as it dies a slow, lingering death from septicaemia caused by their vicious bite.Yet this is a company around which the smell of death now lingers.Here the key is provocative questions or ideas that linger in their minds.This unsettled and windy spell looks set to linger through much of this week.This refers to the length of time the taste lingers in the mouth or throat.Yet the feeling that sporting justice has not been delivered continues to linger.But there was no time to linger.The compact disc is suffering a lingering death.Any bird unlucky enough to get trapped would have suffered a lingering death.The perception of a restaurant with bad hygiene seems to linger a long time in the public memory.Wages are pinned to the floor, housing costs are ludicrous and student debts linger for decades.At the top the representation of women lingers at around a stubborn 15%.At night, sea mist usually lingers around the hill.These will not linger much longer, but will mingle with the decaying leaves below.If a slight feeling of disappointment lingers, this is also shared by the pilots.For some, there was a lingering feeling of betrayal.A voting process so rotten that the stench will linger for decades. Ideas about privacy lingered, though.Many old customs and superstitions still linger around the festival of the new year, especially in provincial towns and country districts.Sometimes, he said, the drugs lingered much longer. British English: linger VERB When something such as an idea, feeling, or illness lingers, it continues to exist for a long time, often much longer than expected. The scent of her perfume lingered on in the room. - American English: linger
- Brazilian Portuguese: persistir
- Chinese: > 继续存留想法、感觉、疾病
- European Spanish: persistir
- French: persister
- German: anhalten
- Italian: persistere
- Japanese: いつまでも残る
- Korean: 질질 끌다
- European Portuguese: persistir
- Latin American Spanish: persistir
Chinese translation of 'linger' vi - [smell, tradition, feelings]
继(繼)续(續)存留 (jìxù cúnliú) - [person]
逗留 (dòuliú)
The guilty feelings lingered. Definition to survive in a weakened condition for some time before death He lingered for weeks in a coma. Synonyms hang on last cling to life die slowly Definition to delay or prolong departure Customers are welcome to linger over coffee until midnight. Synonyms hang around take your time hang in the air drag your feet or heels Additional synonymsDefinition to last or exist for a long time to make moral judgements on the basis of what is eternal and abides Synonyms last, continue, remain, survive, carry on, endure, persist, keep on Definition to continue Her bravery has given him the will to carry on. Synonyms continue, last, endure, persist, keep going, persevere, crack on (informal) Definition to waste time or dawdle He did not dally long over his meal. Synonyms waste time, delay, fool (about or around), linger, hang about, loiter, while away, dawdle, fritter away, procrastinate, tarry, dilly-dally (informal), drag your feet or heels Additional synonymsDefinition to walk slowly or lag behind I dawdled over my cup of tea. Synonyms linger, idle, dally, take your time, procrastinate, drag your feet or heels Definition to deliberately take longer than necessary to do something If he delayed any longer, the sun would be up. Synonyms linger, lag, loiter, dawdle, tarry, dilly-dally (informal), drag your feet or heels (informal) Definition to last for a long time Somehow the language endures and continues to survive to this day. Synonyms last, live, continue, remain, stay, hold, stand, go on, survive, live on, prevail, persist, abide, be durable, wear wellDefinition to waste or pass (time) in idleness He idled the time away in dreamy thought. Synonyms fritter, while, waste, fool, lounge, potter, loaf, dally, loiter, dawdle, lazeDefinition to hang (back) or fall (behind) in movement, progress, or development The boys crept forward, Roger lagging a little. Synonyms hang back, delay, drag (behind), trail, linger, be behind, idle, saunter, loiter, straggle, dawdle, tarry, drag your feet (informal) Definition to remain fresh, uninjured, or unaltered for a certain time You only need a very small amount, so the tube lasts for ages. Synonyms continue, keep, remain, survive, wear, carry on, endure, hold on, persist, keep on, hold out, abideDefinition to stand or wait aimlessly or idly unemployed young men loitering at the entrance to the factory. Synonyms linger, idle, loaf, saunter, delay, stroll, lag, dally, loll, dawdle, skulk, dilly-dally (informal), hang about or around Definition to continue without interruption Consult your doctor if the symptoms persist. Synonyms continue, last, remain, carry on, endure, keep up, linger, abideDefinition to put off (an action) until later We often procrastinate when faced with something we do not want to do. Synonyms delay, stall, postpone, prolong, put off, defer, adjourn, retard, dally, play for time, gain time, temporize, play a waiting game, protract, drag your feet (informal), be dilatory Definition to continue to be There remains deep mistrust of his government. Synonyms continue, be left, endure, persist, linger, hang in the air, stayAdditional synonymsDefinition to stay behind or in the same place He remained at home with his family. Synonyms stay behind, wait, delay, stay put, tarryDefinition to stay or rest He insisted we stop at a small restaurant just outside Atlanta. Synonyms stay, rest, put up, lodge, sojourn (literary), tarry, break your journey Definition to continue to live or exist Rejected by the people, can the organization survive at all? Synonyms continue, last, exist, live on, endure, persist, abide, pull throughDefinition to delay or linger Two old boys tarried on the street corner discussing cattle. Synonyms linger, remain, loiter, wait, delay, pause, hang around (informal), lose time, bide, dally, take your time, dawdle, drag your feet or heels Definition to stay in one place or remain inactive in expectation of something I waited at the corner for the lights to go green. Synonyms stay, remain, stop, pause, rest, delay, linger, hover, hang around (informal), dally, loiter, tarry, w8 I waited around to speak to the doctor. Synonyms hang around, linger, loiter, hover around, mark time, skulk around, loaf around |