[system, government etc]共和政体(體)的 (gònghé zhèngtǐ de)
(US, Pol)
Republican共和党(黨)的 (gònghédǎng de)
(= anti-monarchist) 共和主义(義)者 (gònghé zhǔyìzhě)
(US, Pol)
Republican共和党(黨)党(黨)员(員) (gònghédǎng dǎngyuán)
共和党(黨)的 (gònghédǎng de)
See republican (sense 2)
共和党(黨)党(黨)员(員) (gònghédǎng dǎngyuán)
See republican (sense 4)
Word forms: plural republicans
1. adjective
Republican means relating to a republic. In republican systems of government, power is held by the people or the representatives that they elect.
...the nations that had adopted the republican form of government.
2. adjective
In the United States, if someone is Republican, they belong to or support the Republican Party.
...Republican voters.
Some families have been Republican for generations.
A Republican is someone who supports or belongs to the Republican Party.
What made you decide to become a Republican?
3. adjective
In Northern Ireland, if someone is Republican, they believe that Northern Ireland should not be ruled by Britain but should become part of the Republic of Ireland.
...a Republican paramilitary group.
A Republican is someone who has Republican views.
...a Northern Ireland Republican.
republican in British English
of, resembling, or relating to a republic
supporting or advocating a republic
a supporter or advocate of a republic
Republican in British English
of, belonging to, or relating to a Republican Party
of, belonging to, or relating to the Irish Republican Army
a member or supporter of a Republican Party
a member or supporter of the Irish Republican Army
republican in American English
of, characteristic of, or having the nature of, a republic
favoring, or in accord with the nature of, a republic
3. US; [R-]
of, belonging to, or characteristic of the Republican Party
a person who favors a republican form of government
5. US; [R-]
a member of the Republican Party
Derived forms
republicanize (reˈpublicanˌize) (rɪˈpʌblɪkənˌaɪz)
verb transitiveWord forms: reˈpublicanˌized or reˈpublicanˌizing
Examples of 'republican' in a sentence
He claimed that it was an attempt to persuade republicans to support a peace process.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
This elected republican monarchy has persisted to this day.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
Conservative clergy and laity in two dioceses protested the conduct of two bishops who were regarded as friends of the republican government.
Michael Burleigh Earthly Powers: Religion and Politics in Europe from the Enlightenment to the GreatWar (2005)
Now many senior Republicans are in despair.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
It contrasts the British system with republican forms of government.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
If republican government is actively oppressive, all the defects of democracy are present.
Roper, Jon Democracy and its Critics - Anglo-American democratic thought in the nineteenth century (1989)
This is the plan that senior Republicans and Democrats have been working on over the weekend.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
But Scottish nationalists are split, as many are republicans who want an elected head.
The Sun (2014)
Opposition came from a coalition of conservative Republicans and liberal Democrats.
Christianity Today (2000)
Madrid 1936. It is the capital of the democratically elected leftist republican government.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
Most of those who said that they were likely to vote on Tuesday were intending to support Republicans.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
The move got a hostile reception from senior Republicans, who fear it risks opening a party rift.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
No wonder many Republicans have tried to change the subject by arguing that the Democrats are simply playing politics.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
This quality was essential to the republic's existence and survival; indeed republican government might be impossible without it.
Roper, Jon Democracy and its Critics - Anglo-American democratic thought in the nineteenth century (1989)
Its republican form of government, which many had considered a risky experiment at the time of its origin, was apparently working well.
Divine, Robert A. (editor) & Breen, T. H & Frederickson, George M & Williams, R. Hal America Past and Present (1995)
MI5 is pouring resources into Northern Ireland as security officials admitted a significant gap in their knowledge of the personnel and capabilities of the dissident republican groups.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
In other languages
British English: republican ADJECTIVE
Republican means relating to a republic. In republican systems of government, power is held by the people or the representatives that they elect.
...the nations that had adopted the republican form of government.
American English: republican
Brazilian Portuguese: republicano
Chinese: 共和的
European Spanish: republicano
French: républicain
German: republikanisch
Italian: repubblicano
Japanese: 共和制の
Korean: 공화제의
European Portuguese: republicano
Latin American Spanish: republicano
British English: republican NOUN
A Republican, they belong to or support the Republican Party.
...Republican voters.
American English: republican
Brazilian Portuguese: republicano
Chinese: 共和党人
European Spanish: republicano
French: républicain
German: Republikaner
Italian: repubblicano
Japanese: 共和党員
Korean: 공화당원
European Portuguese: republicano
Latin American Spanish: republicano
a member or supporter of the Republican Party in the US
two rivals for the Republican nomination
Even among Conservative voters, more than a third disapprove of the tax.
red (US)
a small but influential group of Republicans
Up to eighty Conservatives are expected to vote against the bill.
Additional synonyms
in the sense of Conservative
of or supporting a similar right-wing party in other countries
Even among Conservative voters, more than a third disapprove of the tax.
Republican (US),
in the sense of Conservative
a supporter or member of the Conservative Party
Up to eighty Conservatives are expected to vote against the bill.