the curve between two points through which a body moves under the force of gravity in a shorter time than for any other curve; the path of quickest descent
Word origin
C18: from Greek brakhistos, superlative of brakhus short + chronos time
brachistochrone in American English
the curve between two points that in the shortest time by a body moving under an external force without friction; the curve of quickest descent
Derived forms
brachistochronic (brəˌkɪstəˈkrɑnɪk) or brachistochronous (ˌbrækiˈstɑkrənəs)
Word origin
[1765–75; ‹ Gk bráchisto(s) shortest (superl. of brachýsbrachy-) + chrónos time]This word is first recorded in the period 1765–75. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: bonus, civilization, copperhead, lightweight, statement