A tape deck is the machine on which you can play or record cassette tapes.
tape deck in British English
a tape recording unit in a hi-fi system
the platform supporting the spools, cassettes, or cartridges of a tape recorder, incorporating the motor or motors that drive them and the playback, recording, and erasing heads
Sometimes shortened to: deck
tape deck in American English
a magnetic recording device consisting of a tape transport, heads, and preamplifiers, but not amplifiers or speakers
a component of an audio system containing such a mechanism and used to record and play back magnetic tapes, usually using an external amplifier and speakers
Examples of 'tape deck' in a sentence
tape deck
There was a bed and a built-in console with a tape deck and a television set, and at the end of the room there was a desk.
Pacter, Trudi YELLOW BIRD (2002)
Shel pressed a button on the tape deck and the room was flooded
Pacter, Trudi YELLOW BIRD (2002)
I bought a tape, borrowed a tape deck, had Orfe sing into it... Even I could hear that it wouldn't do.
French, Vivian & Fisher, Chris (illustrator) IAN AND THE STRIPY BATH PLUG (2002)