Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular presenttense bottoms, present participle bottoming, past tense, past participle bottomed
1. countable noun
Thebottomof something is the lowest or deepest part of it.
He sat at the bottom of the stairs. [+ of]
Answers can be found at the bottom of page 8. [+ of]
...the bottom of the sea. [+ of]
Synonyms: lowest part, base, foot, bed More Synonyms of bottom
2. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]
The bottom thing or layer in a series of things or layers is the lowest one.
There's an extra duvet in the bottom drawer of the cupboard.
Synonyms: lowest, last, base, ground More Synonyms of bottom
3. countable noun
Thebottomof an object is the flat surface at its lowest point. You can also refer to the inside or outside of this surface as the bottom.
Spread the onion slices on the bottom of the dish.
...the bottom of their shoes.
...a suitcase with a false bottom.
Synonyms: underside, sole, underneath, lower side More Synonyms of bottom
4. singular noun
If you say that the bottom has dropped or fallen out of a market or industry, you mean that people have stopped buying the products it sells.
[business, journalism]
The bottom had fallen out of the city's property market.
5. singular noun
The bottomof a street or garden is the end farthest away from you or from your house.
...the Cathedral at the bottom of the street. [+ of]
regional note: in AM, usually use end
Synonyms: end, far end, furthest point, furthest part More Synonyms of bottom
6. singular noun
The bottomof a table is the end farthest away from where you are sitting. The bottomof a bed is the end where you usually rest your feet.
Malone sat down on the bottom of the bed. [+ of]
regional note: in AM, usually use end
7. singular noun
The bottomof an organization or career structure is the lowest level in it, where new employees often start.
He had worked in the theatre for many years, starting at the bottom.
...a contract researcher at the bottom of the pay scale. [+ of]
Synonyms: lowest level, lowest position, least successful part More Synonyms of bottom
8. singular noun
If someone is bottom or at the bottom in a survey, test, or league, their performance is worse than that of all the other people involved.
He was always bottom of the class. [+ of]
The team is close to bottom of the League. [+ of]
9. countable noun [oft poss NOUN]
Your bottom is the part of your body that you sit on.
If there was one thing she could change about her body it would be her bottom.
10. countable noun [usually plural, oft noun NOUN]
The lower part of a bikini, tracksuit, or pair of pyjamas can be referred to as the bottoms or the bottom.
She wore blue tracksuit bottoms.
...a skimpy bikini bottom.
11. See also -bottomed, rock bottom
See at bottom
See at the bottom of sth
See from the bottom of one's heart
See get to the bottom of sth
See bottoms up
17. to scrape the bottom of the barrel
Phrasal verbs:
See bottom out
More Synonyms of bottom
bottom in British English
the lowest, deepest, or farthest removed part of a thing
the bottom of a hill
the least important or successful position
the bottom of a class
the ground underneath a sea, lake, or river
4. touch bottom
the inner depths of a person's true feelings (esp in the phrase from the bottom of one's heart)
the underneath part of a thing
7. nautical
the parts of a vessel's hull that are under water
(in literary or commercial contexts) a boat or ship
9. billiards, snooker
a strike in the centre of the cue ball
a dry valley or hollow
11. (often plural) US and Canadian
the low land bordering a river
the lowest level worked in a mine
(esp of horses) staying power; stamina
importance, seriousness, or influence
his views all have weight and bottom
15. informal
the buttocks
16. at bottom
17. be at the bottom of
18. get to the bottom of
19. knock the bottom out of
lowest or last
the bottom price
21. bet one's bottom dollar on
of, relating to, or situated at the bottom or a bottom
the bottom shelf
fundamental; basic
24. (transitive)
to provide (a chair, etc) with a bottom or seat
25. (transitive)
to discover the full facts or truth of; fathom
26. (usually foll byon or upon)
to base or be founded (on an idea, etc)
27. (intransitive) nautical
to strike the ground beneath the water with a vessel's bottom
28. Australian mining
to mine (a hole, claim, etc) deep enough to reach any gold there is
b. (intransitive; foll byon)
to reach (gold, mud, etc) on bottoming
29. electronics
to saturate a transistor so that further increase of input produces no change in output
Word origin
Old English botm; related to Old Norse botn, Old High German bodam, Latin fundus, Greek puthmēn
bottom in American English
the lowest part
the lowest or last place or position
the bottom of the class
b. Baseball
the second half (of an inning)
the part on which something rests; base
the underside or whichever end is underneath
the bottom of a crate
the seat of a chair
the part farthest in; inner end, as of a bay or lane
the bed or ground beneath a body of water
8. US; [usually pl.]
the part of a ship's hull normally below water
a ship; esp., a cargo ship
10. [usually pl.]
the lower unit of a two-piece garment, as pajama trousers
fundamental or basic meaning or cause; source
endurance; stamina
13. Informal
the buttocks
of, at, or on the bottom; lowest, last, undermost, basic, etc.
verb transitive
to provide with a bottom
to place (something) on or upon a foundation; base
verb intransitive
to reach or rest upon the bottom
to be based or established
at bottom
be at the bottom of
bet one's bottom dollar
bottom out
bottoms up!
Word origin
ME botme < OE botm, bodan, ground, soil < IE *bhudh-men < base *bhudh- > L fundus, ground, Gr pythmen, bottom, Ger boden
More idioms containing
from the bottom of your heart
at the bottom of the heap
you can bet your bottom dollar
get to the bottom of something
bump along the bottom
the bottom falls out of something
be at the bottom of something
scrape the bottom of the barrel
at the bottom of the pile
hit rock bottom
from top to bottom
the bottom line
Examples of 'bottom' in a sentence
We were rock bottom and people were doubting us.
The Sun (2017)
They remain in the bottom three after a third game without a goal.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The answers are at the bottom of the page.
The Sun (2016)
It is very, very flat at the bottom.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
I took a walk along the bottom of the sea.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
WHY... are soggy bottoms a bad thing?
The Sun (2016)
If not, you may well end up with 28,000 new homes at the bottom of your garden.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
If they don't get the right results in that little block, they could be down the bottom end for the whole season.
The Sun (2016)
Most modern cupboards have a false bottom.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
Too many people are still bottom fishing.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
You can bet your bottom dollar on that.
The Sun (2011)
Last season we were in the bottom three but ended up getting promoted.
The Sun (2014)
Will almost certainly end up in the bottom drawer within a week.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
With bossa nova the treasure was hidden in the bottom of the sea.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
Spoon from the bottom of the dish.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
This time he found the bottom corner.
The Sun (2012)
They solved this by putting vent holes in the bottom.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
You can moor your boat at the bottom of the garden or in the boathouse.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
One has a dark top and luminous blue bottoms with matching trainers.
The Sun (2009)
Cut the bottom end at an angle to make pushing them into the ground easier.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
None of them imagines they will end up dead at the bottom of a lake.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
You can also use the bottom step of your staircase or the kerb outside your house.
The Sun (2009)
Particular attention will be paid to the house or flat at the bottom of the chain.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
Wine glasses go on the bottom shelf to the left.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Reaching rock bottom enabled her to build back up again.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
Put your top lip above your thumb knuckle, and your bottom lip below it.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Word lists with
In other languages
British English: bottom /ˈbɒtəm/ ADJECTIVE
The bottom thing is the lowest one.
...the bottom drawer.
American English: bottom
Arabic: أَسْفَل
Brazilian Portuguese: inferior
Chinese: 底部的
Croatian: donji
Czech: spodní
Danish: nederste need both versions
Dutch: onderste
European Spanish: inferior debajo
Finnish: pohjimmainen
French: inférieur
German: unterer
Greek: κατώτατος
Italian: inferiore
Japanese: 底の
Korean: 바닥의
Norwegian: underste
Polish: dolny
European Portuguese: inferior
Romanian: inferior
Russian: нижний
Latin American Spanish: inferior
Swedish: lägsta
Thai: ต่ำสุด
Turkish: en alt
Ukrainian: нижній
Vietnamese: thấp nhất
British English: bottom /ˈbɒtəm/ NOUN
lowest part The bottom of something is its lowest part.
American English: bottom
Arabic: قاع
Brazilian Portuguese: fundo
Chinese: 底部
Croatian: dno
Czech: dno
Danish: bund
Dutch: bodem
European Spanish: fondo
Finnish: pohja
French: fond
German: Unterseite
Greek: πυθμένας
Italian: fondo parte inferiore
Japanese: 底
Korean: 바닥
Norwegian: bunn
Polish: dno
European Portuguese: fundo
Romanian: partea de jos
Russian: низ
Latin American Spanish: fondo
Swedish: botten
Thai: ก้น
Turkish: dip
Ukrainian: низ
Vietnamese: đáy
British English: bottom /ˈbɒtəm/ NOUN
part of body Your bottom is the part of your body that you sit on.
American English: bottom
Arabic: عَجُز
Brazilian Portuguese: traseiro
Chinese: 臀部
Croatian: stražnjica
Czech: zadek
Danish: ende
Dutch: achterwerk
European Spanish: trasero
Finnish: takapuoli
French: postérieurfesses
German: Hintern
Greek: πισινός
Italian: sedere
Japanese: しり
Korean: 엉덩이
Norwegian: rompe
Polish: pupa
European Portuguese: rabo
Romanian: fund
Russian: ягодицы
Latin American Spanish: trasero
Swedish: bak
Thai: ก้น
Turkish: alt
Ukrainian: сідниці
Vietnamese: mông
All related terms of 'bottom'
at bottom
You use at bottom to emphasize that you are stating what you think is the real nature of something or the real truth about a situation.
from the lowest level of a hierarchy or process to the top
designating trousers or slacks that are flared beginning at the knee or mid-calf
bottom end
the larger end of a connecting rod in an internal-combustion engine
bottom fish
any fish that feeds or lives near the bottom of a body of water, as a flounder or catfish
bottom gear
the lowest gear of a car , lorry , etc
bottom heat
heat artificially applied to a container in which plants are grown in order to induce their germination, rooting, or growth
bottom line
The bottom line in a decision or situation is the most important factor that you have to consider .
bottom out
If a trend such as a fall in prices bottoms out , it stops getting worse or decreasing , and remains at a particular level or amount.
bottom plug
A bottom plug is a bridge or cement seal placed near the bottom of the well in order to shut it off.
rock bottom
If something has reached rock bottom , it is at such a low level that it cannot go any lower .
black bottom
a dance of the late 1920s that originated in America , involving a sinuous rotation of the hips
bottom drawer
a young woman's collection of clothes, linen , cutlery , etc, in anticipation of marriage
bottom feeder
a fish that feeds on material at the bottom of a river, lake, sea, etc
bottom house
the open space beneath a house built upon high pillars
bottom quark
a type of quark with a mass of c. 4.7 to 5.3 GeV/c 2 , a negative charge that is 1 ⁄ 3 the charge of an electron , zero charm , and zero strangeness
false bottom
a bottom , as of a box , between which and the real bottom there is a secret compartment
Foggy Bottom
the Department of State
front bottom
the female genitals
→ blue whale
touch bottom
to run aground
bottom fishing
investing in low-priced shares that show prospects of recovery or in shares that are low-priced because of a general market decline in the hope of making a profit
bottom surgery
surgery performed on the genitals, esp as part of a gender-reassignment process
the largest mammal: a widely distributed bluish-grey whalebone whale , Sibbaldus (or Balaenoptera ) musculus , closely related and similar to the rorquals : family Balaenopteridae
bottom dead center
Bottom dead center is the point at which the piston of an engine is nearest to the axis of the crankshaft . On a vertical engine, this is the lowest point that the piston reaches.
bottom dead centre
the position of the crank of a reciprocating engine when the piston is at its nearest point to the crankshaft
hit rock bottom
to be at an extremely low level and be unable go any lower
the bottom line
the most important and basic part of what you are discussing
triple bottom line
a method of assessing the performance of a business by taking account of social and environmental factors as well as its financial results
anchor ice
ice that forms at the bottom of a lake or river
bottom hole pressure
Bottom hole pressure is the pressure at the bottom of the hole, usually measured in pounds per square inch .
bottom-up processing
a processing technique , either in the brain or in a computer, in which incoming information is analysed in successive steps and later-stage processing does not affect processing in earlier stages
from top to bottom
If you say that you clean , tidy , or examine something from top to bottom , you are emphasizing that you do it completely and thoroughly.
a lowland alluvial area near a river
be at the bottom of
to be the ultimate cause of
bump along the bottom
to reach a low level of performance , and not get any better or any worse
at the bottom of sth
If something is at the bottom of a problem or unpleasant situation , it is the real cause of it.
bet one's bottom dollar
to bet one's last dollar ; bet everything one has
get to the bottom of
to discover the real truth about
knock the bottom out of
to destroy or eliminate
at the bottom of the heap at the top of the heap
Someone who is at the bottom of the heap or at the top of the heap is low down or high up in society or an organization .
at the bottom of the pile
low down or high up in society or in an organization
bet one's bottom dollar on
to be absolutely sure of (one's opinion , a person, project, etc)
get to the bottom of sth
If you want to get to the bottom of a problem , you want to solve it by finding out its real cause.
be at the bottom of something
to be the real cause of an undesirable attitude or situation
from the bottom of one's heart
You can say that you mean something from the bottom of your heart to emphasize that you mean it very sincerely.
from the bottom of your heart
if you mean something from the bottom of your heart , you mean it very sincerely
you can bet your bottom dollar
said to emphasize that you are absolutely certain that something will happen or that something is true
outer dead centre
the position of the crank of a reciprocating engine when the piston is at its nearest point to the crankshaft
scrape the bottom of the barrel
to use something or do something that is not very good , because you cannot think of anything better to use or do
Chinese translation of 'bottom'
(c)[of container, sea]底部 (dǐbù) (个(個), gè)
(c)[of page, list]下端 (xiàduān) (个(個), gè)
(u/s)[of class, league]最后(後)一名 (zuìhòu yī míng)
(s)[of organization, company]最底层(層) (zuìdǐcéng)
(c)[of hill, tree, stairs]最底部 (zuìdǐbù) (个(個), gè)
(c) (= buttocks) 臀部 (túnbù) (个(個), gè)
(c)[of bikini, tracksuit] (also bottoms)
下装(裝) (xiàzhuāng) (件, jiàn)
(= lowest) 最下面的 (zuì xiàmiàn de)
(= least important)[rung, position]最低的 (zuì dī de)
at the bottom of在 ... 的底部 (zài ... de dǐbù)
to get to the bottom of sth彻(徹)底查明某事 (chèdǐ chámíng mǒushì)
All related terms of 'bottom'
bottom out
( recession etc ) 降到最低点(點) jiàng dào zuì dī diǎn
▶ to reach or touch or hit rock-bottom ( person ) 处(處)于(於)最糟的境地 chǔyú zuì zāo de jìngdì ; ( prices ) 降至最低点(點) jiàng zhì zuìdīdiǎn
at the bottom of
在 ... 的底部 zài ... de dǐbù
from top to bottom
彻(徹)底 chèdǐ
to get to the bottom of sth
彻(徹)底查明某事 chèdǐ chámíng mǒushì
to reach or touch or hit rock-bottom
( person ) 处(處)于(於)最糟的境地 chǔyú zuì zāo de jìngdì
I thanked him from the bottom of my heart
我从(從)心底里(裡)感激他 wǒ cóng xīndǐ li gǎnjī tā
1 (noun)
the lowest, deepest, or farthest removed part of a thing
He sat at the bottom of the stairs.
lowest part
Line the base and sides of a 20cm deep round cake tin with paper.
Friends stood at the foot of the bed.
a sandstone bed
vertical or lateral support for building foundations
a bronze statue on a granite pedestal
deepest part
2 (noun)
the underneath part of a thing
the bottom of their shoes
the underside of the car
The liquid formed on the underneath of the top plate.
lower side
3 (noun)
The cathedral is at the bottom of the street.
far end
furthest point
furthest part
4 (noun)
the least important or successful position
a contract researcher at the bottom of the pay scale
lowest level
lowest position
least successful part
5 (noun)
the buttocks
He moved his bottom on the window-seat.
Try to relax your whole back, from the buttocks up to the shoulders.
behind (informal)
jeans that actually flatter your behind
He plans to have the five Olympic rings tattooed on his rear.
butt (informal)
I don't want to sit around on my butt all day.
bum (British, slang)
I slipped and fell on my bum.
ass (US, Canadian, taboo, slang)
buns (US, slang)
arse (taboo, slang)
You can't do business sitting on your arse all day.
I lost my balance and landed hard on my backside.
jeans stretching across her rump
a kick in the seat of the pants
tail (informal)
He desperately needs a kick in the tail.
rear end (informal)
Sit down on your posterior.
derrière (euphemistic)
tush (US, slang)
fundament (euphemistic)
jacksy (British, slang)
6 (noun)
I have to get to the bottom of this mess.
The UN plan is a possible basis for negotiation.
Oils may be mixed with a base and massaged into the skin.
The article lists the major causes of panic attacks.
The heart of the problem is supply and demand.
This gave me a clue as to the source of the problem.
the principles of quantum theory
We got to the root of the problem.
What is the origin of the word `honeymoon'?
He has the ability to get straight to the core of a problem.
Some claim that Ireland's very essence is expressed through its language.
art treasures of indisputably Egyptian provenance
The derivation of its name is obscure.
Music has always been the mainspring of my life.
lowest or last
the bottom drawer of the cupboard
Additional synonyms
in the sense of arse
the buttocks or anus
You can't do business sitting on your arse all day.
bottom (informal),
bum (British, slang),
behind (informal),
rear (informal),
tail (informal),
butt (US, Canadian, informal),
ass (US, Canadian, taboo, slang),
buns (US, slang),
backside (informal),
rear end,
derrière (euphemistic),
tush (US, slang),
jacksy (British, slang)
in the sense of backside
the buttocks
I lost my balance and landed hard on my backside.
behind (informal),
bottom (informal),
rear (informal),
tail (informal),
cheeks (informal),
butt (informal),
bum (British, slang),
ass (taboo, slang),
buns (slang),
arse (taboo, slang),
fanny (slang, US, Canadian),
rear end,
derrière (euphemistic),
gluteus maximus,
coit (Australian, slang),
jacksy (British, slang),
keister or keester (slang, US)
in the sense of base
the bottom or supporting part of anything
Line the base and sides of a 20cm deep round cake tin with paper.