Lightning is the very bright flashes of light in the sky that happen during thunderstorms.
One man died when he was struck by lightning.
Another flash of lightning lit up the cave.
...thunder and lightning.
2. See also forked lightning
3. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]
Lightning describes things that happen very quickly or last for only a short time.
Driving today demands lightning reflexes.
lightning in British English
a flash of light in the sky, occurring during a thunderstorm and caused by a discharge of electricity, either between clouds or between a cloud and the earth
▶ Related adjectives: fulgurous, fulminous
2. (modifier)
fast and sudden
a lightning raid
Word origin
C14: variant of lightening
lightning in American English
a flash of light in the sky caused by the discharge of atmospheric electricity fromone cloud to another or between a cloud and the earth
such a discharge of electricity
verb intransitive
to give off such a discharge
like lightning
Word origin
ME lightninge < lightnen, to lighten1
lightning in Insurance
(Insurance: Residence insurance)
Lightning is electrical discharges causing very bright flashes of light in the sky and often, when striking the ground, causing severe damage to persons or objects.
Fire insurance is coverage protecting property against losses caused by a fire orlightning.
When his boat, which also doubles as his home, was struck by lightning, the insurance company refused to pay out.
Lightning is electrical discharges causing very bright flashes of light in the sky and often,when striking the ground, causing severe damage to persons or objects.