释义 |
Definition cheerful or carefree in mood or disposition They were light-hearted and prepared to enjoy life. Synonyms upbeat (informal) untroubled effervescent frolicsome ludic (literary) jocund blithesome (literary) Opposites low , sad , depressed , gloomy , melancholy , dejected , despondent , morose , heavy-hearted , cheerless Additional synonymsDefinition very happy or cheerful His spirit was anything but blithe below the surface. Synonyms happy, sunny, cheerful, merry, upbeat (informal), buoyant, airy, cheery, carefree, breezy, genial, jaunty, chirpy (informal), untroubled, happy-go-lucky, gay, debonair, insouciant, mirthful, light-hearted, gladsome (archaic) Definition lively or cheerful The boy was so bright and animated. Synonyms cheerful, happy, glad (archaic), lively, jolly, merry, upbeat (informal), joyous, joyful, genial, chirpy (informal), sparky, vivacious, full of beans (informal), gay (old-fashioned), light-heartedDefinition having a happy disposition They are both very cheerful in spite of their circumstances. Synonyms happy, bright, contented, glad, optimistic, bucked (informal), enthusiastic, sparkling, gay (old-fashioned), sunny, perky, jolly, animated, merry, upbeat (informal), buoyant, hearty, cheery, joyful, jovial, genial, jaunty, chirpy (informal), sprightly, blithe, light-hearted, gladsome (archaic), lightsome (archaic) Nearby words oflight-hearted - light-fingered
- light-footed
- light-headed
- light-hearted
- lighten
- lightless
- lightly
Additional synonymsDefinition happy and cheerful Father Whittaker appeared to be in a jovial mood. Synonyms cheerful, happy, jolly, animated, glad (archaic), merry, hilarious, buoyant, airy, jubilant, cheery, cordial, convivial, blithe, gay (old-fashioned), mirthful, jocund (old-fashioned), jocose (old-fashioned) Definition feeling or bringing great joy We're a very joyful people. Synonyms delighted, happy, satisfied, glad, jolly, merry, gratified, pleased, jubilant, elated, over the moon (informal), jovial, rapt, enraptured, on cloud nine (informal), cock-a-hoop (old-fashioned), floating on air, light-hearted, jocund, gladsome (archaic), blithesome, stoked (informal) Definition extremely happy and enthusiastic a joyous celebration of life Synonyms joyful, cheerful, merry, festive, heartening, rapturous, blitheDefinition cheerful and jolly He was much loved for his merry nature. Synonyms cheerful, happy, upbeat (informal), carefree, glad, jolly, festive, joyous, joyful, genial, fun-loving, chirpy (informal), vivacious, rollicking (archaic), convivial, gleeful, blithe (archaic), frolicsome (archaic), mirthful (archaic), sportive (archaic), light-hearted, jocund (archaic), gay (old-fashioned), blithesome (archaic) Definition full of high spirits and fun They tumbled around like playful children. Synonyms lively, spirited, cheerful, merry, mischievous, joyous, sprightly, vivacious, rollicking, impish, frisky, puckish, coltish, kittenish, frolicsome, ludic (literary), sportive, gay (old-fashioned), larkish (informal) Definition cheerful and happy The staff wear big sunny smiles. Synonyms cheerful, happy, cheery, smiling, beaming, pleasant, optimistic, buoyant, joyful, genial, chirpy (informal), blithe, light-heartedAdditional synonymsDefinition lively and cheerful You're very chirpy today - have you won the lottery or something? Synonyms cheerful, happy, bright, enthusiastic, lively, sparkling, sunny, jolly, animated, buoyant, radiant, jaunty, sprightly, in high spirits, blithe, full of beans (informal), light-heartedDefinition merry and playful Synonyms playful, gay, lively, merry, sprightly, wanton (archaic), rollicking, frisky, full of beans (informal), coltish, kittenish, ludic (literary), sportiveDefinition carefree and merry I am in good health, gay and cheerful. Synonyms cheerful, happy, bright, glad, lively, sparkling, sunny, jolly, animated, merry, upbeat (informal), buoyant, cheery, joyous, joyful, carefree, jaunty, chirpy (informal), vivacious, jovial, gleeful, debonair, blithe, insouciant, full of beans (informal), light-heartedDefinition cheerful, easy-going, and friendly He was a warm-hearted friend and a genial host. Synonyms friendly, kind, kindly, pleasant, warm, cheerful, jolly, hearty, agreeable, cheery, amiable, cordial, affable, congenial, jovial, convivial, good-natured, warm-hearted, merryDefinition happy and pleased I'm glad I decided to go after all. Synonyms happy, pleased, delighted, contented, cheerful, gratified, joyful, overjoyed, chuffed (slang), gleeful, blithesome (literary) Definition merry or joyful, esp. over someone else's mistake or misfortune He took a gleeful delight in proving them all wrong. Synonyms delighted, happy, pleased, cheerful, merry, triumphant, gratified, exuberant, jubilant, joyous, joyful, elated, overjoyed, chirpy (informal), exultant, cock-a-hoop, mirthful, over the moon (informal), stoked (informal) Definition causing joy or gladness We have a very happy marriage. Synonyms contented, blessed, blest, joyful, blissful, blitheDefinition carefree or easy-going She was a happy-go-lucky girl, always laughing and joking. Synonyms carefree, casual, easy-going, irresponsible, unconcerned, untroubled, nonchalant, blithe, heedless, insouciant, devil-may-care, improvident, light-heartedDefinition carefree or unconcerned He worked with insouciant disregard for convention. Synonyms nonchalant, casual, carefree, gay, sunny, buoyant, airy, breezy, unconcerned, jaunty, untroubled, happy-go-lucky, free and easy, unworried, light-heartedDefinition involving a lot of fun She was a jolly, kindhearted woman. Synonyms happy, bright, funny, lively, hopeful, sunny, cheerful, merry, vibrant, hilarious, festive, upbeat, bubbly, gay (old-fashioned), airy, playful, exuberant, jubilant, cheery, good-humoured, joyous, joyful, carefree, breezy, genial, ebullient (old-fashioned), chirpy (informal), sprightly, jovial, convivial, effervescent, frolicsome (old-fashioned), ludic (literary), mirthful, sportive, light-hearted, jocund (old-fashioned), gladsome (archaic), blithesome (archaic) |