

单词 boss around

Examples of 'boss around' in a sentence
boss around

True, we no longer boss around a quarter of the globe.Oh, to 'serve the public interest', while bossing around 56,000 firms.I would struggle with being bossed around by a bunch of men.Aggravating these fears is a feeling of loss of control and being bossed around.But even now she won't be bossed around.We hate being bossed around and told what to do.And her assistant should be a bloke who she bosses around.They were tired of being bossed around by a nanny state.Workers in our public sector have been bossed around to breaking point.

In other languages
boss around

British English: boss around /bɒs əˈraʊnd/ VERB
If you say that someone bosses you around, you mean that they keep telling you what to do in a way that is irritating.
  • American English: boss around
  • Arabic: يُـمْلي عَلى
  • Brazilian Portuguese: ficar dando ordens
  • Chinese: 指手画脚
  • Croatian: šefovati
  • Czech: komandovat
  • Danish: hundse rundt med
  • Dutch: commanderen
  • European Spanish: mangonear
  • Finnish: pomotella
  • French: donner des ordres
  • German: herumkommandieren
  • Greek: διευθύνω αυταρχικά
  • Italian: comandare
  • Japanese: こき使う
  • Korean: 남에게 명령하다
  • Norwegian: herse med
  • Polish: poniewierać
  • European Portuguese: dar ordens
  • Romanian: a face pe șeful
  • Russian: командовать
  • Latin American Spanish: mangonear
  • Swedish: köra med folk
  • Thai: บงการ
  • Turkish: patronluk taslamak
  • Ukrainian: командувати
  • Vietnamese: chỉ tay năm ngón





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