Someone or something boring is so dull and uninteresting that they make people tired and impatient.
Not only are mothers not paid but also most of their boring or difficult work isunnoticed.
...boring television programmes.
Synonyms: uninteresting, dull, tedious, dreary More Synonyms of boring
boringlyadverb [usually ADVERB adjective]
The meal itself was not so good–everything was boringly brown including the vegetables.
boring in British English1
the act or process of making or enlarging a hole
the hole made in this way
2. (often plural)
a fragment, particle, chip, etc, produced during boring
boring in British English2
dull; repetitious; uninteresting
Derived forms
boringly (ˈboringly)
boring in American English
for making holes
dull, tiresome, etc.
the action of one that bores
a hole made by boring
5. [pl.]
chips, flakes, etc. made by boring
Derived forms
boringly (ˈboringly)
boring in Mechanical Engineering
(Mechanical engineering: Manufacturing and assembly)
Boring is the process of creating a larger circular hole from a hole that has already been drilled.
Boring done on a lathe can produce conical or cylindrical holes.
Boring is the enlarging of a hole by removing material from the internal surfaces with asingle-point cutter bit.
Boring is the process of creating a larger circular hole from a hole that has already beendrilled.
Examples of 'boring' in a sentence
People in love are the most boring people in the world.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Ministers maintain that backbenchers need not concern themselves with such prodigiously boring work.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
Why on earth would they be interested in something so boring?
The Sun (2016)
But that one was a bit boring.
The Sun (2017)
Otherwise, you will become mirror images and the relationship will get boring.
The Sun (2016)
Bleak January exists to remind us all how nice boring old daily life actually is.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
STRICTLY fans fear the high scores dished out by judges early this series will make the show boring.
The Sun (2016)
That's really boring isn't it?
The Sun (2016)
So here are the boring old facts.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Normally they are quite boring but this one might be a laugh.
The Sun (2011)
Quite how something so boring has remained in vogue for so long is a mystery.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
We both make an effort to stop it getting boring and like to have fun together.
The Sun (2011)
It cuts out the boring bits like going to the loo.
The Sun (2011)
It would be really boring to write about myself.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Now that can be pretty dull and boring.
Kowalski, Robert E The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure (1990)
Do you find the gym boring or difficult to fit in to your schedule?
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
Playing games is a far better way to advance your career than boring old work.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
It might be boring to other people.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Boring stuff that makes tons of money.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Leap outside your comfort zone or it will make you complacent and your work boring.
The Sun (2010)
That's a boring way to spend a night.
Christianity Today (2000)
Team chiefs have been holding a series of crisis talks after the season got under way with a boring race in Bahrain.
The Sun (2010)
In other languages
British English: boring /ˈbɔːrɪŋ/ ADJECTIVE
If you say that someone or something is boring, you think that they are very dull and uninteresting.
...a boring job.
American English: boring
Arabic: مـُمِلّ
Brazilian Portuguese: chato
Chinese: 令人厌烦的
Croatian: dosadan
Czech: nudný
Danish: kedelig
Dutch: saai
European Spanish: aburrido
Finnish: tylsä ikävystyttävä
French: ennuyeux
German: langweilig
Greek: ανιαρός
Italian: noioso
Japanese: 退屈な
Korean: 지루한
Norwegian: kjedelig
Polish: nudny
European Portuguese: maçador
Romanian: plictisitor
Russian: скучный
Latin American Spanish: ser aburrido
Swedish: tråkig
Thai: น่าเบื่อ
Turkish: sıkıcı
Ukrainian: нудний
Vietnamese: tẻ nhạt
All related terms of 'boring'
If someone or something bores you, you find them dull and uninteresting.
to enlarge the upper part of (a hole ) in timber , metal , etc, so that the head of a bolt or screw can be sunk below the surface
boring clam
→ piddock
boring mill
a large vertical lathe having a rotating table on which work is secured . Tools are held on a fixed post and the work is rotated around it
soil boring
Soil boring is a technique used to survey soil by taking several shallow cores out of the sediment . It is used when a drilling jacket or jack-up rig is to be supported on the soil.
boring sponge
any of a family (Clionidae) of sponges that settle on and dissolve the shells of clams
boring machine
a machine that bores holes , tunnels , etc
politics is boring
Politics are the actions or activities concerned with achieving and using power in a country or society. The verb that follows politics may be either singular or plural .
Chinese translation of 'boring'
(= tedious)[person, job, film]乏味的 (fáwèi de)
[hole]钻(鑽) (zuàn)
[oil well, tunnel]开(開)凿(鑿) (kāizáo)
[person]使厌(厭)烦(煩) (shǐ yànfán)
12-bore shotgun12膛径(徑)的猎(獵)枪(槍) (shí'èr tángjìng de lièqiāng)
to be a bore[person]令人讨(討)厌(厭)的人 (lìng rén tǎoyàn de rén) [situation]令人厌(厭)烦(煩)的事 (lìng rén yànfán de shì)
it's a bore令人讨(討)厌(厭) (lìng rén tǎoyàn)
it/he bores me to tears or to death or stiff它/他把我烦(煩)死了 (tā/tā bǎ wǒ fánsǐ le)
to be bored (with sth)(对(對)某事)不感兴(興)趣 ((duì mǒushì) bù gǎn xìngqù)
to be bored to tears or bored to death or bored stiff (inf) 厌(厭)烦(煩)得要死 (yànfán de yào sǐ)
如果你感觉 bored,是因为你对所做的事情不感兴趣,或没有你所感兴趣的事情去做。 If you're bored, we could go for a walk. 当你觉得某人、某地或某物没意思而使你感觉乏味时,就可以用 boring 来形容。 a boring job ... a boring little mining town ... He can be a bit boring sometimes.
boring television programmes
Why did he choose these pale, nerveless, uninteresting people?
They can both be rather dull.
the tedious business of line-by-line programming
They live such dreary lives.
repeating stale jokes to kill the time
My neighbour is petty and tiresome.
It's monotonous work, like most factory jobs.
He trotted out all the same old excuses as before.
It was a horrible, dead little town.
The past few days have been flat and empty.
The work was very dry and dull.
So many days are routine and uninteresting.
Her speech on the economy was uninspiring.
trapped in a humdrum but well-paid job
She pretended to be meek and insipid so that they would underestimate her.
They gave an insipid opening performance in a nil-nil draw.