Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular presenttense borders, present participle bordering, past tense, past participle bordered
1. countable noun
The border between two countries or regions is the dividing line between them. Sometimes the border also refers to the land close to this line.
They fled across the border.
...the isolated jungle area near the Panamanian border.
Clifford is enjoying life north of the border.
...the Mexican border town of Tijuana.
Soldiers had temporarily closed the border between the two countries.
Synonyms: frontier, line, marches, limit More Synonyms of border
2. verb
A country that borders another country, a sea, or a river is next to it.
...the European and Arab countries bordering the Mediterranean. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: adjoin, be situated alongside, join, touch More Synonyms of border
Border on means the same as border.
Both republics border on the Black Sea. [VERBPARTICLE noun]
3. countable noun
A border is a strip or band around the edge of something.
...pillowcases trimmed with a hand-crocheted border.
Synonyms: edge, lip, margin, skirt More Synonyms of border
4. countable noun
In a garden, a border is a long strip of ground along the edge planted with flowers.
...a lawn flanked by wide herbaceous borders.
...border plants.
Synonyms: flower bed, area, garden, bed More Synonyms of border
5. verb
If something is bordered by another thing, the other thing forms a line along the edge of it.
...the mile of white sand beach bordered by palm trees and tropical flowers. [VERB-ed]
Caesar marched north into the forests that border the Danube River. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: edge, bound, decorate, trim More Synonyms of border
Phrasal verbs:
See border on
border in British English
a band or margin around or along the edge of something
the dividing line or frontier between political or geographic regions
a region straddling such a boundary
(as modifier)
border country
a design or ornamental strip around the edge or rim of something, such as a printed page or dinner plate
(as modifier)
a border illustration
a long narrow strip of ground planted with flowers, shrubs, trees, etc, that skirts a path or wall or surrounds a lawn or other area
a herbaceous border
6. (transitive)
to decorate or provide with a border
7. (whenintr, foll by on or upon)
to be adjacent (to); lie along the boundary (of)
his land borders on mine
to be nearly the same (as); verge (on)
his stupidity borders on madness
Word origin
C14: from Old French bordure, from border to border, from bort side of a ship, of Germanic origin; see board
Border in British English1
the Border
1. (often plural)
the area straddling the border between England and Scotland
the area straddling the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland
the region in S South Africa around East London
Border in British English2
Allan (Robert). born 1955, Australian cricketer; played in 156 test matches (1978–1994), 93 as captain; first Australian batsman to score 10,000 test runs
border in American English
an edge or a part near an edge; margin; side
a dividing line between two countries, states, etc. or the land along it; frontier
a narrow strip, often ornamental, along an edge; fringe; edging
an ornamental strip of flowers or shrubs along the edge of a garden, walk, etc.
verb transitive
to provide with a border
to extend along the edge of; bound
of, forming, or near a border
border on
the Borders
SYNONYMY NOTE: border refers to the boundary of a surface and may imply the limiting line itself or thepart of the surface immediately adjacent to it; , margin implies a bordering strip more or less clearly defined by some distinguishing feature[the margin of a printed page]; edge refers to the limiting line itself or the terminating line at the sharp convergenceof two surfaces [the edge of a box]; rim is applied to the edge of a circular or curved surface; , brim refers to the inner rim at the top of a vessel, etc.; , brink refers to the edge at the top of a steep slope. All of these terms have figurativeapplication [the border of good taste, a margin of error, an edge on one's appetite, the rim of consciousness, a mind filled to the brim, the brink of disaster]
Word origin
ME & OFr bordure < border, to border < Frank *bord, margin: see board
Examples of 'border' in a sentence
Their numbers had thinned considerably since they left the border.
Jennifer Fallon TREASON KEEP (2001)
Any day now, Prince Cratyn would cross the border in triumph.
Jennifer Fallon TREASON KEEP (2001)
They were making plans to move north, to protect their border from the Kariens.
Jennifer Fallon TREASON KEEP (2001)
In other languages
British English: border /ˈbɔːdə/ NOUN
between countries The border between two countries is the dividing line between them.
They escaped across the border.
American English: border
Arabic: حاشِيَة
Brazilian Portuguese: fronteira
Chinese: 边界
Croatian: granica
Czech: hranice
Danish: grænse
Dutch: grens douane
European Spanish: frontera
Finnish: raja
French: frontière
German: Grenze
Greek: σύνορο
Italian: confine
Japanese: 境界
Korean: 경계 가장자리
Norwegian: grense
Polish: granica państwowa
European Portuguese: fronteira
Romanian: graniță
Russian: граница
Latin American Spanish: frontera
Swedish: gräns
Thai: เขตแดน
Turkish: sınır
Ukrainian: кордон
Vietnamese: biên giới
British English: border VERB
A country that borders another country, a sea, or a river is next to it.
...the countries bordering the ocean.
American English: border
Brazilian Portuguese: limitar-se com
Chinese: 与…接壤
European Spanish: limitar con
French: être voisin de
German: grenzen an
Italian: confinare con
Japanese: 隣接する
Korean: 인접하다
European Portuguese: faz fronteira com
Latin American Spanish: limitar con
British English: border NOUN
edge A border is a strip or band around the edge of something.
...pillowcases trimmed with a hand-crocheted border.
American English: border
Brazilian Portuguese: borda
Chinese: 饰边
European Spanish: borde
French: bordure
German: Rand
Italian: bordo
Japanese: 縁
Korean: 테두리
European Portuguese: borda
Latin American Spanish: borde
All related terms of 'border'
border on
If you talk about a characteristic or situation bordering on something, usually something that you consider bad , you mean that it is almost that thing.
border line
boundary line; frontier
border raid
an incursion by attackers into a neighbouring country
border tax
a tax system for imports and exports , esp. one that compensates for internal taxes in European Union countries by levying fees or paying rebates
hard border
a border between countries that is strictly controlled by officials, police , or the military
soft border
a border between countries where people and goods are allowed to pass through with few checks
border checks
If you check something such as a piece of information or a document , you make sure that it is correct or satisfactory .
Border collie
a medium-sized breed of collie with a silky usually black-and-white coat: used mainly as sheepdogs
border guard
a guard stationed on a border between countries
Border Patrol
a government agency in charge of preventing terrorists , weapons , and illegal immigrants entering the country
border police
the force in charge of policing a border
border region
A region is a large area of land that is different from other areas of land, for example because it is one of the different parts of a country with its own customs and characteristics, or because it has a particular geographical feature .
border state
a state adjacent to a border
border states
slave states bordering on the free states before the Civil War: Mo ., Ky., Va., Md., & Del .
border taxes
taxes payable on goods taken across a border
brush border
a layer of tightly packed minute finger-like protuberances on cells that line absorptive surfaces, such as those of the intestine and kidney
Cross-border trade occurs between companies in different countries.
border disease
a congenital infectious disease of sheep and goats caused by a Togavirus and characterized by abortion , infertility, and deformity of lambs
border dispute
a disagreement between countries about where the border between them should be drawn
border incident
an incident , usually fighting , on a border between countries
border security
Security refers to all the measures that are taken to protect a place, or to ensure that only people with permission enter it or leave it.
Border terrier
a small rough-coated breed of terrier that originated in the Borders
Border Leicester
a breed of sheep originally developed in the border country between Scotland and England by crossing English Leicesters with Cheviots : large numbers in Scotland, Australia , and New Zealand . It has a long white fleece with no wool on the head
herbaceous border
A herbaceous border is a flower bed containing a mixture of plants that flower every year.
immigration border patrol
(in the US) a law enforcement agency responsible for issues regarding border laws and immigration
Chinese translation of 'border'
[of country]边(邊)界 (biānjiè) (条(條), tiáo)
(in garden) 花坛(壇) (huātán)
(= band, edge) (on cloth etc) 饰(飾)边(邊) (shìbiān)
[road]环(環)绕(繞) (huánrào)
[another country]与(與) ... 接壤 (yǔ ... jiērǎng)
Derived Forms
Bordersn (Brit) (Geo): the Borders英格兰与苏格兰交界区
1 (noun)
the dividing line between political or geographic regions
Clifford is enjoying life north of the border.
It wasn't difficult to cross the frontier.
the California state line
the city limits
Our organization now operates across national boundaries.
They walked round the perimeter of the stadium.
the borderline between painting and photography
2 (noun)
a design around the edge of something
pillowcases trimmed with a hand-crocheted border
She was standing at the water's edge.
the lip of the jug
These islands are on the margins of human habitation.
the skirts of the hill
verge (British)
The car pulled over on to the verge off the road.
She looked at him over the rim of her glass.
Cut a jagged edge along the hem to give a ragged look.
She filled her glass right up to the brim.
3 (noun)
a narrow strip of ground planted with flowers or shrubs
a lawn flanked by wide herbaceous borders
flower bed
the large number of community groups in the area
the most beautiful garden on earth
beds of strawberries and rhubarb
a short boat ride across a narrow strip of water
a small plot of land for growing vegetables
the little vegetable patch in her backyard
1 (verb)
the countries bordering the Mediterranean
Fields adjoined the garden and there were no neighbours.
be situated alongside
Allahabad, where the Ganges and the Yamuna rivers join
Their knees were touching.
be attached to
be connected to
He lived in a house abutting our hotel.
2 (verb)
to provide with a border
white sand bordered by palm trees and tropical flowers
a chocolate brown jacket edged with yellow
He decorated the box with glitter and ribbons.
jackets trimmed with crocheted flowers
Swampy islands of vegetation fringe the coastline.