An anteater is an animal with a long nose that eats termites or ants. Anteaters live in warm countries.
anteater in British English
any toothless edentate mammal of the family Myrmecophagidae of Central and South America, esp Myrmecophaga tridactyla (or jubata) (giant anteater), having a long tubular snout used for eating termites
See also tamandua
2. scaly anteater
3. spiny anteater
4. banded anteater
anteater in American English
any of several mammals of various orders that feed mainly on ants, as the pangolins, echidnas, and esp. ant bears: anteaters have a long, sticky tongue and a long snout
She went after the powder like an anteater on the rampage.
Maupin, Armistead TALES OF THE CITY (1989)
Word lists with
All related terms of 'anteater'
banded anteater
→ another name for numbat
giant anteater
→ ant bear (sense 1 )
lesser anteater
a small arboreal edentate mammal, Tamandua tetradactyla, of Central and South America, having a prehensile tail and tubular mouth specialized for feeding on termites : family Myrmecophagidae