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View usage for: (tæmpəʳ) Word forms: 3rd person singular presenttense tampers, present participle tampering, past tense, past participle tamperedverbIf someone tampers with something, they interfere with it or try to change it when they have no right to do so. I don't want to be accused of tampering with the evidence. [VERB + with] He found his computer had been tampered with. [VERB with noun] Synonyms: influence, fix [informal], rig, corrupt More Synonyms of tamper tampering uncountable noun [usually noun NOUN] ...discovering a motive for a crime like product tampering. More Synonyms of tamper tamper in British English 1 (ˈtæmpə) verb (intransitive)1. (usually foll by with) to interfere or meddle 2. to use corrupt practices such as bribery or blackmail 3. (usually foll by with) to attempt to influence or corrupt, esp by bribery to tamper with the jury Derived forms tamperer (ˈtamperer) noun Word origin C16: alteration of temper (verb) tamper in British English 2 (ˈtæmpə) noun1. a person or thing that tamps, esp an instrument for packing down tobacco in a pipe 2. a casing around the core of a nuclear weapon to increase its efficiency by reflecting neutrons and delaying the expansion tamper in American English 1 (ˈtæmpər) verb intransitive Archaic to contrive something secretly; plot; scheme Derived forms tamperer (ˈtamperer) noun Word origin var. of temper tamper in American English 2 (ˈtæmpər) noun a person or thing that tamps; specif., any of various instruments or tools for tamping Examples of 'tamper' in a sentencetamper The police have form when it comes to tampering with evidence.Vouchers that have been forged, defaced or otherwise tampered with will not be valid for use.Vouchers that have been forged, defaced or otherwise tampered with are not valid.If victims of crime use the drug to reduce their stress, it could be tantamount to tampering with evidence.The third collapsed last year after what the judge called a'serious attempt at jury tampering '.Three previous trials had collapsed amid fears of jury tampering, costing the taxpayer a total of 22million.The present appeal was concerned with section 44, which applied where there was a danger of jury tampering.At the second, the jury failed to reach a verdict, and in the third the allegations of jury tampering emerged.I would call that tampering with the evidence, wouldn't you?He is being tried by a judge only after three trials had collapsed amid fears of jurytampering, at a cost of 22 million. British English: tamper VERB If someone tampers with something, they interfere with it or try to change it when they have no right to do so. I don't want to be accused of tampering with the evidence. - American English: tamper
- Brazilian Portuguese: adulterar
- Chinese: 干涉
- European Spanish: manipular
- French: trafiquer
- German: verfälschen
- Italian: manomettere
- Japanese: いじくる
- Korean: 조작하다
- European Portuguese: adulterar
- Latin American Spanish: manipular
Chinese translation of 'tamper' vi to tamper with sth 乱(亂)动(動)某物 (luàndòng mǒuwù)
Definition to interfere or meddle with without permission He found his computer had been tampered with. Synonyms interfere with tinker with meddle with alter fiddle with (informal) mess about with muck about with (British, slang) monkey around with fool about with (informal) Definition to attempt to influence someone, esp. by bribery I don't want to be accused of tampering with the evidence. Additional synonymsThe ability to corrupt judges was fundamental to their operations. Synonyms bribe, square, fix (informal), buy off, suborn, grease (someone's) palm (slang) Definition to unfairly influence the outcome of They offered players bribes to fix a league match. Synonyms rig, set up (informal), influence, manipulate, bribe, manoeuvre, fiddle (informal), pull strings (informal) Definition to control something or someone cleverly or deviously He's a very difficult character. He manipulates people.She was unable, for once, to manipulate events. Synonyms influence, control, direct, guide, conduct, negotiate, exploit, steer, manoeuvre, do a number on (US), twist around your little finger Additional synonymsDefinition to arrange in a dishonest way, for profit or advantage She accused her opponents of rigging the vote. Synonyms fix (informal), doctor, engineer (informal), arrange, fake, manipulate, juggle, tamper with, fiddle with (informal), falsify, trump up, gerrymander |