Bolt-on buys are purchases of other companies that a company makes in order to add them to its existing business.
Mr Hand said the company would make further bolt-on acquisitions in the U.S..
bolt-on in British English
supplementary or additional
a bolt-on prologue
bolt-on in Finance
(boʊlt ɒn)
(Finance: Corporate)
Bolt-on buys are purchases of other companies that a company makes in order to add them toits existing business.
He said the company would make further bolt-on acquisitions in the US.
Globally, the company aims to close several small bolt-on acquisitions a year, including financial advisory firms, mid-sized private banks,and product specialists.
Bolt-on buys are purchases of other companies that a company makes in order to add them toits existing business.
Examples of 'bolt-on' in a sentence
It was impossible to tell what was behind the bolt-on plywood panel.