Something that is boiling or boiling hot is very hot.
'It's boiling in here,' complained Miriam.
Often the food may be bubbling and boiling hot on the top, but the inside may stillbe cold.
Synonyms: very hot, hot, burning, baking More Synonyms of boiling
2. adjective [verb-link ADJECTIVE]
If you say that you are boiling or boiling hot, you mean that you feel very hot, usually unpleasantly hot.
When everybody else is boiling hot, I'm freezing!
More Synonyms of boiling
boiling in British English
adjective, adverb
very warm
a boiling hot day
2. the whole boiling
boiling in Chemical Engineering
(Chemical Engineering: Heat transfer)
Boiling is when a liquid becomes a vapor by touching a hot surface.
A vapor is a gas which is formed by the boiling or evaporation of a liquid.
During boiling, vapor must escape from the solid and fresh liquid must replace it.
Boiling is when a liquid becomes a vapor by touching a hot surface.
boiling in Mechanical Engineering
(Mechanical engineering: Energy, thermodynamics and heat transfer)
Boiling is the action of heating a liquid until it becomes a vapor.
When water reaches boiling point it evaporates into steam.
Boiling of fuel in the fuel lines can happen because fuel in a vacuum boils at a lower temperature.
Boiling is the action of heating a liquid until it becomes a vapor.
More idioms containing
boiling point
keep the pot boiling
Examples of 'boiling' in a sentence
His knuckles tightened, he felt jealousy boiling up into his throat.
Fraser, Christine Marion NOBLE BEGINNNINGS (2002)
In other languages
British English: boiling /ˈbɔɪlɪŋ/ ADJECTIVE
Something that is boiling is very hot.
It's boiling in here.
American English: boiling
Arabic: غَلَيَان
Brazilian Portuguese: fervente
Chinese: 沸腾的
Croatian: uzavreo
Czech: vroucí voda
Danish: kogende
Dutch: kokend
European Spanish: hirviendo
Finnish: kiehuva
French: bouillant
German: kochend
Greek: βραστός
Italian: bollente
Japanese: 沸き立つ
Korean: 끓는
Norwegian: kokende
Polish: wrzący
European Portuguese: fervente
Romanian: fierbinte
Russian: кипящий
Latin American Spanish: hirviendo
Swedish: kokhet
Thai: กำลังเดือด
Turkish: kaynar
Ukrainian: киплячий
Vietnamese: đang sôi
All related terms of 'boiling'
When a hot liquid boils or when you boil it, bubbles appear in it and it starts to change into steam or vapour.
boiling point
The boiling point of a liquid is the temperature at which it starts to change into steam or vapour. For example , the boiling point of water is 100° centigrade.
boiling range
A boiling range is the temperature range involved in the distillation of oil, from the start to the time when it evaporates .
stone boiling
a primitive method of boiling liquid with heated stones
the whole boiling
the whole lot
boil up
If you boil up a liquid, you heat it until it boils.
to boil again
boiling-water reactor
a nuclear reactor using water as coolant and moderator , steam being produced in the reactor itself: enriched uranium oxide cased in zirconium is the fuel
boil off
to remove or be removed (from) by boiling
keep the pot boiling
to make sure that a process does not stop
boil away
When you boil away a liquid, or when it boils away , it is boiled until all of it changes into steam or vapour .
boil down
When you boil down a liquid or food, or when it boils down , it is boiled until there is less of it because some of the water in it has changed into steam or vapour .
boil over
When a liquid that is being heated boils over , it rises and flows over the edge of the container .
boiling point
boil down to
If you say that a situation or problem boils down to a particular thing or can be boiled down to a particular thing, you mean that this is the most important or the most basic aspect of it.
boiling-water reactor
A BLEVE is an explosion caused by a liquid which is boiling and continuing to produce a flammable vapor.
soap boiler
a manufacturer of soap
1 (adjective)
It's boiling in here.
very hot
Cook the meat quickly on a hot barbecue plate.
the burning desert of central Asia
the baking Jordanian desert
He was unused to the tropical climate.
Not all of Britain was roasting in the nineties today.
a blistering summer day
It was a scorching day.
the torrid heat of summer in Spain
on a sultry, summer evening
It was an unimpressive contest in sweltering heat.
2 (adjective)
She was boiling with rage.
He is furious at the way he has been treated.
an angry rant
He was still fuming over the remark.
She realized how infuriated this would make me.
She was incensed at his lack of compassion.
The enraged crowd marched through the streets.
She is indignant at suggestions that they were secret agents.