Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular presenttense bogs, present participle bogging, past tense, past participle bogged
1. countable noun
A bog is an area of land which is very wet and muddy.
2. countable noun [usually theNOUN]
Thebog is another name for the toilet.
[British, informal]
Phrasal verbs:
See bog down
More Synonyms of bog
bog in British English
wet spongy ground consisting of decomposing vegetation, which ultimately forms peat
an area of such ground
a place or thing that prevents or slows progress or improvement
4. a slang word for lavatory (sense 1)
5. Australian slang
the act or an instance of defecating
Derived forms
boggy (ˈboggy)
bogginess (ˈbogginess)
Word origin
C13: from Gaelic bogach swamp, from bog soft
bog in American English
(bɑg; bɔg)
wet, spongy ground, characterized by decaying mosses that form peat; a small marsh or swamp
verb transitive, verb intransitiveWord forms: bogged or ˈbogging
to sink or become stuck in or as in a bog; mire
often with down
Derived forms
boggy (ˈboggy)
Word origin
< Gael & Ir bog, soft, moist (> Ir bogach, a bog) < IE *bhugh- < base *bheugh-, to bend > bow1
Synonyms of 'bog'
marsh, moss, swamp, slough
lavatory, toilet, loo, can
bathroom, lavatory, toilet, loo
More Synonyms of bog
In other languages
British English: bog /bɒɡ/ NOUN
A bog is a wet muddy area of land.
American English: bog
Arabic: مُسْتَنْقَع
Brazilian Portuguese: pântano
Chinese: 沼泽
Croatian: močvara
Czech: bažina
Danish: mose
Dutch: moeras
European Spanish: ciénaga
Finnish: suo
French: tourbière
German: Sumpf
Greek: έλος
Italian: pantano
Japanese: 沼
Korean: 늪
Norwegian: myr
Polish: bagno
European Portuguese: pântano
Romanian: mlaștină
Russian: болото
Latin American Spanish: ciénaga
Swedish: myr
Thai: ห้วย
Turkish: bataklık
Ukrainian: болото
Vietnamese: vũng lầy
All related terms of 'bog'
bog in
to start energetically on a task
bog off
go away !
bog deal
pine wood found preserved in peat bogs
bog down
If a plan or process bogs down or if something bogs it down , it is delayed and no progress is made.
bog moss
any of various mosses , esp sphagnum , that grow in wet places in dense masses and decay to form peat
bog paper
toilet paper
bog roll
a toilet roll ; toilet paper
bog rush
a blackish tufted cyperaceous plant, Schoenus nigricans , growing on boggy ground
peat bog
a bog containing peat or a compact brownish deposit of partially decomposed vegetable matter saturated with water
blanket bog
a very acid peat bog , low in nutrients , extending widely over a flat terrain , found in cold wet climates
bog cotton
any of various N temperate and arctic grasslike bog plants of the cyperaceous genus Eriophorum , whose clusters of long silky hairs resemble cotton tufts
bog myrtle
a shrub, Myrica gale , of northern swamp regions, having yellow catkin-like flowers and aromatic leaves: family Myricaceae
bog orchid
an orchid , Hammarbya (or Malaxis ) paludosa , growing in sphagnum bogs in the N hemisphere. It has greenish-yellow flowers and its leaves bear a fringe of tiny bulbils
bog spavin
enlargement of the hock of a horse by accumulation in the joint, usually caused by inflammation or injury , and often resulting in lameness
raised bog
a bog of convex shape produced by growth of sphagnum and other bog plants in acid conditions and the subsequent build-up of acid peat
bog asphodel
either of two liliaceous plants, Narthecium ossifragum of Europe or N. americanum of North America , that grow in boggy places and have small yellow flowers and grasslike leaves
bog rosemary
any of several species (genus Andromeda ) of evergreen shrubs of the heath family, native to cold bogs of North America and Europe, with pink flowers and narrow leaves
If you describe something as bog-standard you mean that is an ordinary example of its kind, with no exciting or interesting features .
Bog of Allen
a region of peat bogs in central Ireland , west of Dublin . Area: over 10 sq km (3.75 sq miles)
bog whortleberry
a plant, Vaccinium uliginosum , of mountain regions , having pink flowers and black fruits
peat moss
any of various mosses , esp sphagnum , that grow in wet places in dense masses and decay to form peat
any moss of the genus Sphagnum, of temperate bogs , having leaves capable of holding much water: layers of these mosses decay to form peat
cotton grass
any of various N temperate and arctic grasslike bog plants of the cyperaceous genus Eriophorum , whose clusters of long silky hairs resemble cotton tufts
cotton sedge
any of various N temperate and arctic grasslike bog plants of the cyperaceous genus Eriophorum , whose clusters of long silky hairs resemble cotton tufts
sweet gale
a shrub, Myrica gale , of northern swamp regions, having yellow catkin-like flowers and aromatic leaves: family Myricaceae
marsh andromeda
a low-growing pink-flowered ericaceous evergreen shrub, Andromeda polifolia, that grows in peaty bogs of northern regions
a low-growing pink-flowered ericaceous evergreen shrub, Andromeda polifolia, that grows in peaty bogs of northern regions
Chinese translation of 'bog'
(= marsh) 沼泽(澤) (zhǎozé) (片, piàn)
to get bogged down被缠(纏)住 (bèi chánzhù)
1 (noun)
a wet spongy area of land
We walked steadily across moor and bog.
a recently reclaimed saltwater marsh
moss (Scottish, NorthernEngland, dialect)
Much of the land is desert or swamp.
Peat is growing in the fen.
Be careful not to get stuck in the mire.
Overnight rain had turned the grass airstrip into a quagmire.