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View usage for: (ledən) 1. adjectiveA leaden sky or sea is dark grey and has no movement of clouds or waves. [literary] The weather was at its worst; bitterly cold, with leaden skies that gave minimumvisibility. Synonyms: grey, dingy, overcast, sombre More Synonyms of leaden 2. adjectiveA leaden conversation or piece of writing is not very interesting. ...a leaden English translation from the Latin. Synonyms: laboured, wooden, stiff, sluggish More Synonyms of leaden 3. adjectiveIf your movements are leaden, you move slowly and heavily, usually because you are tired. [literary] He heard the father's leaden footsteps move down the stairs. More Synonyms of leaden leaden in British English (ˈlɛdən) adjective2. laboured or sluggish leaden steps 3. gloomy, spiritless, or lifeless 4. made partly or wholly of lead 5. of a dull greyish colour a leaden sky Derived forms leadenly (ˈleadenly) adverb leadenness (ˈleadenness) noun leaden in American English (ˈlɛdən) adjective2. having the inert heaviness of lead; hard to move or lift 3. sluggish; dull; heavy in action, feeling, etc. 4. depressed; dispirited; gloomy Derived forms leadenly (ˈleadenly) adverb leadenness (ˈleadenness) noun Examples of 'leaden' in a sentenceleaden The script was as leaden as the acting was wooden.The landscape was turning a leaden grey as the sun sank behind the mountains.Not to mention a howling gale and a leaden sky.The writing is pretty leaden too.The game's leaden script also makes some of the dialogue exchanges exhausting to follow.Some good action scenes, but the leaden script hampers things.Gloucester were leaden, slow and predictable.We rode into Florence through drizzle, under a leaden sky.In driving sleet, we walk to its base, its three bronze figures staring into the leaden sky.When the leaden sky clears, there are some splendid venues to eat under the sun in the UK. Definition of a dull greyish colour The weather was bitterly cold, with leaden skies. Synonyms sombre dark grey greyish louring or lowering Definition gloomy, spiritless, or lifeless a leaden English translation from the Latin Synonyms laboured sluggish plodding humdrum Definition gloomy, spiritless, or lifeless the leaden boredom of the lecture Definition heavy or sluggish The dull, leaden sickly feeling returned. Additional synonymsThe outlay so far has not been too burdensome. Synonyms troublesome, trying, taxing, difficult, heavy, crushing, exacting, oppressive, weighty, onerous, irksomeDefinition awkward because of size or shape Although the machine looks cumbersome, it is easy to use. Synonyms awkward, heavy, hefty (informal), clumsy, bulky, weighty, impractical, inconvenient, burdensome, unmanageable, clunky (informal), cumbrous Definition dull, neglected, and drab He took me to his rather dingy office. Synonyms dull, dark, dim, gloomy, murky, dreary, sombre, drab, colourless, dusky, bedimmed - lead someone astray
- lead someone on
- lead up to something
- leaden
- leader
- leadership
- leading
Additional synonymsDefinition gloomy and depressing The main part of the hospital is pretty dismal. Synonyms gloomy, depressing, dull, dreary, lugubrious, cheerlessDefinition dull or uninteresting They live such dreary lives. Synonyms dull, boring, tedious, routine, drab, tiresome, lifeless, monotonous, humdrum, colourless, uneventful, uninteresting, mind-numbing, ho-hum (informal), wearisome, as dry as dust Definition (of weather) not bright or clear It's always dull and raining. Synonyms cloudy, dim, gloomy, dismal, overcast, leaden, turbidDefinition dark or dismal Inside it's gloomy after all that sunshine. Synonyms dark, dull, dim, dismal, black, grey, obscure, murky, dreary, sombre, shadowy, overcast, dusky, crepuscular, Stygian (literary), tenebrousDefinition inactive or lifeless He covered the inert body with a blanket Synonyms inactive, still, motionless, dead, passive, slack, static, dormant, lifeless, leaden, immobile, inanimate, unresponsive, unmoving, quiescent, torpid, unreactive, slumberous (poetic) Definition lacking brilliance, force, or vitality his party's lacklustre performance during the election campaign Synonyms flat, boring, dull, dim, dry, muted, sombre, drab, lifeless, prosaic, leaden, unimaginative, uninspired, unexciting, vapid, lustrelessDefinition lacking energy He's a large languid man with a round and impassive face. Synonyms inactive, lazy, indifferent, lethargic, weary, sluggish, inert, uninterested, listless, unenthusiastic, languorous, lackadaisical, torpid, spiritlessDefinition lacking interest or energy He was listless and pale and wouldn't eat. Synonyms languid, sluggish, lifeless, lethargic, heavy, limp, vacant, indifferent, languishing, inert, apathetic, lymphatic, impassive, supine, indolent, torpid, inattentive, enervated, spiritless, mopish Her lustreless eyes were sunk deep in her face. Synonyms dull, flat, matt, faded, pale, tarnished, drab, lacklustre, washed out, lifeless, dingy, colourless, unpolishedDefinition (of a task) difficult to carry out parents who have had the onerous task of bringing up a difficult child Synonyms trying, hard, taxing, demanding, difficult, heavy, responsible, grave, crushing, arduous, exhausting, exacting, formidable, troublesome, oppressive, weighty, laborious, burdensome, irksome, backbreaking, exigentAdditional synonymsDefinition cruel, harsh, or tyrannical The new laws will be as oppressive as those they replace. Synonyms tyrannical, severe, harsh, heavy, overwhelming, cruel, brutal, authoritarian, unjust, repressive, Draconian, autocratic, inhuman, dictatorial, coercive, imperious, domineering, overbearing, burdensome, despotic, high-handed, peremptory, overweening, tyrannous Definition (of the sky or weather) cloudy It was a cold, wintry, overcast afternoon. Synonyms cloudy, grey, dull, threatening, dark, clouded, dim, gloomy, dismal, murky, dreary, leaden, clouded over, sunless, louring or lowering The crowds were too spiritless to resist. Synonyms apathetic, lacklustre, dispirited, listless, low (informal), depressed, dull, melancholy, lifeless, unmoved, languid, dejected, despondent, melancholic, droopy, unenthusiastic, torpid, mopy Definition formal and not relaxed They always seemed a little awkward with each other, a bit stiff and formal. Synonyms formal, constrained, reserved, forced, laboured, cold, mannered, wooden, artificial, uneasy, chilly, unnatural, austere, pompous, prim, stilted, starchy (informal), punctilious, priggish, standoffish, ceremonious, unrelaxed Definition (of speech, writing, or behaviour) formal or pompous His delivery was stilted and occasionally stumbling. Synonyms stiff, forced, wooden, laboured, artificial, inflated, constrained, unnatural, high-flown, pompous, pretentious, pedantic, bombastic, grandiloquent, high-sounding, arty-farty (informal), fustian Definition lacking spirit or animation The film is marred by the wooden acting of the star. Synonyms awkward, stiff, rigid, clumsy, lifeless, stilted, ungainly, gauche, gawky, inelegant, graceless, maladroit |