a black basaltic glass often found on the edges of intrusions of basalt
Derived forms
tachylytic (ˌtækɪˈlɪtɪk) or tachylitic (ˌtachyˈlitic)
Word origin
C19: from German Tachylit, from tachy- + Greek lutos soluble, melting, from luein to release; so called because it fuses easily when heated. The form tachylite is influenced by -lite stone
tachylyte in American English
(ˈtækəˌlaɪt) or ˈtachyˌlite (ˈtækəˌlaɪt)
a kind of dark-colored, basaltic volcanic glass
Derived forms
tachylytic (ˌtachyˈlytic) (ˈtækəˈlɪtɪk)
Word origin
Ger tachylit < Gr tachys, swift (see tachy-) + lytos, soluble < lyein, to dissolve (see lysis): from its rapid decomposition in acids