In his latest collection of poems readers are confronted with a series of reflectionson death.
He again took up his pen, recording his reflections on two weeks of fighting Boers.
his reflections on the Church
Examples of 'reflections' in a sentence
She frowned, squinting against the shimmering reflections.
Barbara Erskine SANDS OF TIME (2003)
She set off down the lane, hugging her coat round her in the cold, lost in her own reflections.
I wanted no reflections on the glass, no shadows inside the car.
Brierley, David SNOWLINE (2003)
All related terms of 'reflections'
A reflection is an image that you can see in a mirror or in glass or water.
total reflection
the effect that occurs when light meets the interface between the medium in which it is traveling and a medium of smaller refractive index at an angle of incidence greater than the critical angle, all light being reflected back to the first medium
law of reflection
the principle that when a ray of light, radar pulse , or the like, is reflected from a smooth surface the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence , and the incident ray, the reflected ray, and the normal to the surface at the point of incidence all lie in the same plane
nonspecular reflection
the diffuse reflection of sound or light waves
angle of reflection
the angle that a beam of reflected radiation makes with the normal to a surface at the point of reflection
total internal reflection
the complete reflection of a light ray at the boundary of two media , when the ray is in the medium with greater refractive index