Cosmo Gordon, 1st Baron Lang of Lambeth. 1864–1945, British churchman; archbishop of Canterbury (1928–42)
Fritz. 1890–1976, Austrian film director, later in the US, most notable for his silent films, such as Metropolis (1926), M (1931), and The Testament of Dr. Mabuse (1932)
Jack (John Thomas). 1876–1975, Labor premier of New South Wales from 1925–27 and from 1930–32, who introduced much social welfare legislation and was dismissed by the governor, Sir Philip Game, in 1932 for acting unconstitutionally
Lang in American English
Andrew1844-1912; Scot. writer
Fritz1890-1976; U.S. film director, born in Austria
lang in American English
Examples of 'lang' in a sentence
For auld lang syne, my dear... `If it were me,' he said as we crossed the park, `I'd be crossing continents; I'd leave no stone unturned.
Isabel Wolff RESCUING ROSE (2002)
For auld lang s-y-y-y-n-e... `You only say that because your mother was a good person, but mine wasn't.