C15: from Latin Atlanticus, from Greek (pelagos) Atlantikos (the sea) of Atlas (so called because it lay beyond the Atlas Mountains)
Atlantic in American English
of, in, on, or near the Atlantic Ocean
Word lists with
battle, Oceans
All related terms of 'Atlantic'
Atlantic Ocean
the world's second largest ocean , bounded in the north by the Arctic , in the south by the Antarctic , in the west by North and South America , and in the east by Europe and Africa . Greatest depth : 9220 m (30 246 ft). Area: about 81 585 000 sq km (31 500 000 sq miles)
Atlantic City
a resort in SE New Jersey on Absecon Beach , an island on the Atlantic coast . Pop: 40 385 (2003 est)
characterized by a blend of British and American styles , elements , etc
the Atlantic
the world's second largest ocean , bounded in the north by the Arctic , in the south by the Antarctic , in the west by North and South America, and in the east by Europe and Africa. Greatest depth : 9220 m (30 246 ft). Area: about 81 585 000 sq km (31 500 000 sq miles)
West Atlantic
the W part of the Atlantic Ocean , esp the N Atlantic around North America
Atlantic liner
a large passenger ship that regularly crosses the Atlantic Ocean
North Atlantic
relating to the North Atlantic and, often, the countries bordering it
South Atlantic
→ the South Atlantic
Atlantic Charter
the joint declaration issued by F . D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill on Aug 14, 1941, consisting of eight principles to guide a postwar settlement
Atlantic Provinces
→ the Atlantic Provinces
the North Atlantic
the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean , esp the waters separating North America and Europe
the South Atlantic
the part of the Atlantic Ocean that lies to the south of the equator
North Atlantic Drift
the warm ocean current flowing northeast , under the influence of prevailing winds , from the Gulf of Mexico towards NW Europe and warming its climate
North Atlantic Treaty
a treaty signed in Washington DC in 1949 by 12 European and North American nations that brought NATO into being and committed the signatories to combine for mutual defence in the event of an attack on any one of them
Atlantic Standard Time
the local time used in eastern Canada , four hours behind Greenwich Mean Time
Middle Atlantic States
the states of New York , Pennsylvania , and New Jersey
the Atlantic Provinces
certain of the Canadian provinces with coasts facing the Gulf of St Lawrence or the Atlantic: New Brunswick , Nova Scotia , Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador
Battle of the Atlantic
the struggle for control of the sea routes around the United Kingdom during World War II, esp 1940–43
Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway
a system of inland and coastal waterways along the Atlantic coast of the US from Cape Cod to Florida Bay. Length: 2495 km (1550 miles)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
North Atlantic Treaty Organization, an international organization composed of the US, Canada , Britain, and 26 European countries: established by the North Atlantic Treaty (1949) for purposes of collective security