If a boil on someone's body is lanced, a small cut is made in it so that the liquid inside comes out.
It is a painful experience having a boil lanced.
American English: lance
Brazilian Portuguese: lancetar
Chinese: 切开 > 放脓
European Spanish: sajar
French: percer
German: aufschneiden
Italian: incidere
Japanese: 切開する
Korean: 째다
European Portuguese: lancetar
Latin American Spanish: sajar
All related terms of 'lance'
free lance
a medieval soldier who sold his services to any state or military leader
lance rest
a hinged bracket on the breastplate of a medieval horseman on which the lance was rested in a charge
sand lance
any of a family (Ammodytidae) of small, eel-like, marine percoid fishes often found burrowing in coastal sands
a large highly venomous tropical American snake , Trimeresurus (or Bothops ) atrox , with a greyish-brown mottled coloration : family Crotalidae ( pit vipers )
lance corporal
a noncommissioned officer of the lowest rank in the British Army
lance sergeant
a corporal acting as a sergeant , usually on a temporary basis and without additional pay
Someone who does freelance work or who is, for example , a freelance journalist or photographer is not employed by one organization , but is paid for each piece of work they do by the organization they do it for.