a resinous substance secreted by certain lac insects, used in the manufacture of shellac
Word origin
C16: from Dutch lak or French laque, from Hindi lākh resin, ultimately from Sanskrit lākshā
lac in British English2
a variant spelling of lakh
LAC in British English
abbreviation for
leading aircraftman
leading aircraftman in British English
(ˈliːdɪŋ) or feminine leading aircraftwoman
British air force
the rank above aircraftman
▶ USAGE The abbreviation for leading aircraftman is LAC. The abbreviation for leading aircraftwoman is LACW
lac in American English
a resinous substance secreted by various scale insects, esp. a species (Laccifer lacca) of India, that live on certain fig, soapberry, and acacia trees: when melted, strained, and rehardened, it forms shellac
Word origin
Hindi lākh < Sans lākṣā, var. of rākṣā, prob. < IE base *reg-, to color (> Gr regma, colored material); in part via Fr laque < OProv laca < Ar lakk < Pers lak, of same orig.
All related terms of 'lac'
Lac Léman
→ the French name for (Lake) Geneva (sense 3 )
lac insect
any of various homopterous insects of the family Lacciferidae, esp Laccifer lacca of India, the females of which secrete lac
BL Lac object
an extremely compact violently variable form of active galaxy
a beloved ; sweetheart
St John
island of the Virgin Islands of the U.S.: 20 sq mi (52 sq km); pop. 4,200