sequences of red sedimentary rocks, usually sandstones or shales, coloured by the oxidization of the iron in them
Examples of 'red beds' in a sentence
red beds
These are deposits of continental genesis and unique features such as red beds.
Zagórski Zbigniew, Kisiel Monika, Kuśmierz Agnieszka 2015, 'Selected Properties and Systematic Position of Soils Developed from Red Sandstonesand Clays of the Lower Triassic Buntsandstein in the Nw Part of the Holy Cross Mountains(Poland) / Niektóre właściwości i pozycja systematyczna gleb wytworzonych z czerwonychpiaskowców i iłów dolnego triasu w NW obrzeżeniu Gór Świętokrzyskich', Soil Science Annual Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (