any of a number of electrical devices in which the angular position of a rotating part is transformed into a voltage, or vice versa
2. short for synchronized swimming
synchro- in British English
combining form
indicating synchronization
synchro in American English
(ˈsɪŋkroʊ; ˈsɪnkroʊ)
nounWord forms: pluralˈsynchros
a system consisting of a generator and one or more motorlike devices connected electrically so that, upon receipt of a signal from the generator, the rotors of the synchronous motors always assume positions identical with that of the generator rotor
Word origin
< synchro-
synchro- in American English
(ˈsɪŋkroʊ; ˈsɪnkroʊ)
synchronized, synchronous
synchro in Electrical Engineering
Word forms: (regular plural) synchros
(Electrical engineering: Computing and control)
A synchro is any of a number of electrical devices in which the angular position of a rotatingpart is transformed into a voltage, or vice versa.
The rotating antenna was repeated by a synchro receiver that rotated the magnetic deflection yoke about the neck of the CRT display,keeping the display synchronized with the direction of the antenna.
A synchro is a type of rotary electrical transformer sensor that is used for measuring theangle of a rotating machine such as an antenna platform.
A synchro is any of a number of electrical devices in which the angular position of a rotatingpart is transformed into a voltage, or vice versa.