(ˈkɒsəvəʊ, Serbian ˈkɔsɔvɔ) or Kosova (Albanian kɔˈsɔva)
a former autonomous province of Serbia, in the SW, functioning as an independent state: chiefly Albanian in population since the 13th century; Serb suppression of separatists escalated to a policy of ethnic cleansing in 1998, provoking NATO airstrikes against Serbia in 1999 and takeover by UN administration; unilaterally declared independence in 2008, although this is not recognized by Serbia and many other countries. Mainly a plateau. Official languages: Albanian and Serbian. Religion: Muslim majority. Currency: euro. Capital: Pristina. Pop: 1 783 531 (2016). Area: 10 887 sq km (4203 sq miles)
Full Serbian name: Kosovo-Metohija (Serbian ˈkɔsɔvɔmɛˌtɔhija)
Kosovo in American English
province of S Serbia: 4,203 sq mi (10,886 sq km); pop. c. 2,000,000
Derived forms
Kosovar (ˈKosoˌvar) (ˈkɔsəˌvɑr)
adjective, noun
In other languages
British English: Kosovo /ˈkɒsəvəʊ/ NOUN
Kosovo is a disputed territory in south-east Europe. It is a self-declared independent state, but Serbia considers it to be part of Serbia.