a growing together of parts or structures, such as two bony surfaces joined by an intermediate layer of fibrous cartilage
a line marking this growing together
3. pathology
an abnormal adhesion of two or more parts or structures
Derived forms
symphysial or symphyseal (sɪmˈfɪzɪəl)
symphystic (sɪmˈfɪstɪk) or symphytic (symˈphytic)
Word origin
C16: via New Latin from Greek sumphusis, from sumphuein, from syn- + phuein to grow
symphysis in American English
nounWord forms: pluralˈsymphyˌses (ˈsɪmfəˌsiz)
a growing together or fusing
; specif.,
a. Anatomy
the growing together of bones originally separate, as of the two halves of the lower jaw or the two pubic bones; also, the line of junction and fusion of such bones
b. Botany
the growing together of similar parts of a plant; coalescence
Derived forms
symphysial (symˈphysial) (ˈsɪmˈfɪziəl)
adjective or symˈphyseal
Word origin
ModL < Gr, a growing together < syn-, with + phyein, to grow: see be