释义 |
View usage for: (niːd) Word forms: 3rd person singular presenttense kneads, present participle kneading, past tense, past participle kneaded1. verbWhen you knead dough or other food, you press and squeeze it with your hands so that it becomes smooth and ready to cook. Lightly knead the mixture on a floured surface. [VERB noun] Synonyms: squeeze, work, massage, manipulate More Synonyms of knead kneading uncountable noun Just how much kneading is required depends on the sort of flour. 2. verbIf you knead a part of someone's body, you press or squeeze it with your fingers. She felt him knead the aching muscles. [VERB noun] (niːd) verb (transitive)1. to work and press (a soft substance, such as bread dough) into a uniform mixture with the hands 2. to squeeze, massage, or press with the hands Derived forms kneader (ˈkneader) noun Word origin Old English cnedan; related to Old Saxon knedan, Old Norse knothaknead in American English (nid) verb transitive1. to mix and work (dough, clay, etc.) into a pliable mass by folding over, pressing, and squeezing, usually with the hands 2. to press, rub, or squeeze with the hands; massage 3. to make or form by or as if by kneading Derived forms kneader (ˈkneader) noun Word origin ME kneden < OE cnedan, akin to Ger kneten < IE * gnet-, to press together < base * gen-, to form into a ball, pinch, compress > knot 1, knob Examples of 'knead' in a sentenceknead Transfer the dough to the work surface and knead well.Lightly knead the dough a second time and leave for a further 1 hour.Tip on to a work surface and knead for 5 min until springy.Gently knead the dough down in the bowl, then stretch it out into a rough rectangle and transfer to the baking sheet.Tip onto a lightly floured board and knead for 3 to 4 minutes until smooth and elastic.Turn out on to a lightly floured surface and knead well for five minutes.Add the sugar and knead the mixture until it binds together.Turn on to a lightly floured work surface and knead until the dough is smooth.Turn the dough out on to a lightly floured work surface and knead for a minute.Turn out on to a lightly floured surface and knead until smooth.Knock dough back and knead for one minute.Turn it on to a lightly floured surface and gently knead four times.Tip onto a work surface and knead to form a smooth dough.Turn on to a floured surface and knead very lightly to get a smooth dough.Transfer to a lightly floured surface and lightly knead until smooth.Tip the mixture out onto a lightly floured surface and knead to a soft dough.Turn the dough onto a bench and knead for 15 minutes until smooth and stretchy.Add the remaining flour, bring mixture together and knead lightly until a dough is formed.Then knead for 1-2 minutes until the texture is right.Lightly knead the mixture into a dough, wrap in foil and chill for 30 minutes.Add the butter and bring the mixture together into a soft dough, then knead for 15 mins.Turn out the mixture and lightly knead for 2 minutes, or until it forms a smooth dough.WHY... do we knead dough?Remove from the bowl and knead for 5 minutes on a dusted surface, until you have a nice smooth dough. British English: knead VERB When you knead dough or other food, you press and squeeze it with your hands so that it becomes smooth and ready to cook. Lightly knead the mixture on a floured surface. - American English: knead
- Brazilian Portuguese: amassar
- Chinese: 揉 >面团等
- European Spanish: amasar
- French: pétrir
- German: kneten
- Italian: lavorareimpasto
- Japanese: こねる
- Korean: 반죽하다
- European Portuguese: amassar
- Latin American Spanish: amasar
Definition to squeeze or press with the hands Lightly knead the mixture on a floured surface. Additional synonymsDefinition to make or construct or be made or constructed The bowl was formed out of clay. Synonyms make, produce, model, fashion, build, create, shape, manufacture, stamp, construct, assemble, forge, mould, fabricateThe way he can manipulate my leg has helped my arthritis so much. Synonyms massage, rub, knead, palpate Definition to give a massage to She massaged her foot, which was bruised and aching. Synonyms rub down, rub, manipulate, knead, pummel, palpate - knave
- knavery
- knavish
- knead
- knee
- knee-jerk
- kneecap
Additional synonymsDefinition to shape or form We moulded a statue out of mud. Synonyms shape, make, work, form, create, model, fashion, cast, stamp, construct, carve, forge, sculptDefinition to compress to alter in shape The grapes are hand-picked and pressed. Synonyms compress, grind, reduce, mill, crush, pound, squeeze, tread, pulp, mash, trample, condense, pulverize, tamp, macerateDefinition to apply pressure and friction to (something) with a circular or backwards-and-forwards movement He rubbed his arms and stiff legs. Synonyms stroke, smooth, massage, caress, kneadDefinition to devise or develop Like it or not, our families shape our lives. Synonyms form, affect, influence, make, produce, create, model, fashion, mouldWork the dough with your hands until it is very smooth. Synonyms manipulate, make, form, process, fashion, shape, handle, mould, knead |