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View usage for: (swɜːʳl) Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular presenttense swirls, present participle swirling, past tense, past participle swirledverbIf you swirl something liquid or flowing, or if it swirls, it moves round and round quickly. She smiled, swirling the drink in her glass. [VERB noun] The black water swirled around his legs, reaching almost to his knees. [VERB preposition/adverb] She swirled the ice-cold liquid around her mouth. [VERB noun preposition] ...Carmen with her swirling gypsy skirts. [VERB-ing] [Also V n with adv, V]Synonyms: whirl, churn, spin, twist More Synonyms of swirl Swirl is also a noun. ...small swirls of chocolate cream. [+ of] The helicopter landed in a swirl of dust. [+ of] (swɜːl) verb1. to turn or cause to turn in a twisting spinning fashion 2. (intransitive) to be dizzy; swim my head was swirling noun3. a whirling or spinning motion, esp in water 5. the act of swirling or stirring Derived forms swirling (ˈswirling) adjective swirlingly (ˈswirlingly) adverb swirly (ˈswirly) adjective Word origin C15: probably from Dutch zwirrelen; related to Norwegian svirla, German schwirrenswirl in American English (swɜrl) verb intransitive1. to move with a twisting, whirling motion; eddy 2. to swim, or be dizzy, as the head verb transitive3. to cause to swirl; whirl noun4. a swirling motion; whirl; eddy 5. something having a twisting, curving form; twist; curl; whirl; whorl Derived forms swirlingly (ˈswirlingly) adverb Word origin ME (Scot) swyrl, prob. < Norw dial. svirla, freq. of sverra, to whirl: for IE base see swarm 1Examples of 'swirl' in a sentenceswirl Such rumours have swirled for more than a year although no hard evidence has emerged.Whisk lemon juice and remaining olive oil and swirl over the top.This exercise in imagination only hints at the emotional whirlpool that swirls around those bereaved by suicide.Speculation quickly swirled around other applications of the technology.The look of the dish is improved with a swirl of cream.They want to voice the thoughts and feelings that are swirling around inside them. Quickly swirl the butter around the pan so that it forms a sauce.Serve with a swirl of double cream.Top with the asparagus and add a dribble of balsamic vinegar and swirl of olive oil.Then you let it free and swirl it around your bath.Serve with a swirl of cream if desired.Stir in chopped parsley just before serving with or without a swirl of olive oil.The egg should form a neat oval shape as it swirls around.The swirl is the instruction to pick up your brush and swirl it round in the mineral powder.Dark rumours swirled around the gallery.Tip the pan and swirl the batter round, coating the base of the pan.Smell the tasting sample given to you - swirling it round the glass first if you can.Yet rumours swirled that some of the reported 14million he earned from football was dirty money.The musicians emerged through a swirling cloud of smoke from the middle of a giant silver inflatable doughnut set at the back of the stage.I could see the swirling motion of the mist underneath the street lamps, where the light made a circle.Using swirling motions, touch up your temples, across the bridge of your nose and across your chin to mimic a suntan.In the confused moments of the killing, amid the swirling smoke and dust, she had also managed to escape and fled to the forest. British English: swirl VERB If you swirl something liquid or flowing, or if it swirls, it moves round and round quickly. She smiled, swirling the liquid in her glass. - American English: swirl
- Brazilian Portuguese: redemoinhar
- Chinese: 使快速旋流液态、流动的物质
- European Spanish: arremolinarse
- French: faire tourner
- German: wirbeln
- Italian: girare vorticosamente
- Japanese: ぐるぐるかき混ぜる/渦を巻く
- Korean: 물 등을 소용돌이 치게 하다
- European Portuguese: redemoinhar
- Latin American Spanish: arremolinarse
Chinese translation of 'swirl' vi - [water, leaves]
打旋 (dǎxuán)
Definition to turn round and round with a twisting motion She smiled, swirling the wine in her glass.The water swirled around his legs. Additional synonymsDefinition to shake or stir (a liquid) Gently agitate the water with a paintbrush. Synonyms stir, beat, mix, shake, disturb, toss, rouse, churnDefinition to bubble and be agitated like something boiling I stood in the kitchen, waiting for the water to boil. Synonyms simmer, bubble, foam, churn, seethe, fizz, froth, effervesceDefinition to move about violently Churning seas smash against the steep cliffs. Synonyms swirl, boil, toss, foam, seethe, froth- swingeing
- swinging
- swipe
- swirl
- swish
- switch
- switch off
Additional synonymsDefinition to move with a gentle circular motion The dust whirled and eddied in the sunlight. Synonyms swirl, turn, roll, spin, twist, surge, revolve, whirl, billowDefinition to revolve or cause to revolve quickly The Earth spins on its own axis. Synonyms revolve, turn, rotate, wheel, twist, reel, whirl, twirl, gyrate, pirouette, birl (Scottish) Definition (of the sea) to rise or roll with a heavy swelling motion Fish and seaweed rose, caught motionless in the surging water. Synonyms roll, rush, billow, heave, swirl, eddy, undulateDefinition to twist, wind, or twiddle, often idly She twirled an empty glass in her fingers. Synonyms twiddle, turn, rotate, wind, spin, twist, revolve, whirlDefinition to turn one end or part while the other end or parts remain still or turn in the opposite direction She twisted her hair into a bun. Synonyms coil, curl, wind, plait, wrap, screw, twirl |