any of several infectious diseases caused by spirochaete bacteria of the genus Leptospira, transmitted to humans by animals and characterized by jaundice, meningitis, and kidney failure
Also called: Weil's disease
Word origin
C20: from New Latin Leptospira (lepto- + Greek speira coil + -osis)
leptospirosis in American English
any of several systemic infections of humans and domestic animals caused by a genus (Leptospira) of spirochetes found in sewage and natural waters, and involving variously the eyes, liver, kidneys, etc.
Derived forms
leptospiral (ˌleptoˈspiral) (ˌlɛptoʊˈspaɪrəl)
Word origin
ModL < Leptospira (< lepto- + L spira: see spire1) + -osis