the quotient of the sum of the initial kinetic energies of all the charged particles liberated by indirectly ionizing radiation in a volume element of a material divided by the mass of the volume element. The SI unit is the gray
Word origin
C20: k(inetic) e(nergy) r(eleased per unit) ma(ss)
Examples of 'kerma' in a sentence
As a result, an increase in the air kerma rate was observed.
Renata Matos da Luz, Gabriela Hoff 2010, 'Estudo comparativo da qualidade da imagem e do kerma, de entrada e de saída, em simuladorde tórax utilizando sistemas analógico e digitalizado CR de aquisição de imagens Comparativestudy of image quality and entrance and exit air kerma measurements on chest phantomutilizing analog and CR digital imaging systems', Radiologia Brasileira Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
A heterogeneous distribution of air kerma rates was seen in the dose rate distribution map.
Masahiro Hosoda, Shinji Tokonami, Yasutaka Omori, Sarata Kumar Sahoo, Suminori Akiba,Atsuyuki Sorimachi, Tetsuo Ishikawa, Raghu Ram Nair, Padmavathy Amma Jayalekshmi,Paul Sebastian, Kazuki Iwaoka, Naofumi Akata, Hiromi Kudo 2015, 'Estimation of external dose by car-borne survey in Kerala, India.', PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
Patient doses were assessed by kerma-area product measurements.
Ciraj-Bjelac Olivera, Lončar Milan, Košutić Duško, Kovačević Milojko, Aranđić Danijela 2007, 'Patient doses and image quality in chest radiography: The influence of different beamqualities', Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Free in air kerma measurement using an ionization chamber was used for the patient dosimetry.
Prince Kwabena Gyekye, Adu Simon, Emi-Reynolds Geoffrey, Yeboah Johnson, Inkoom Stephen,Cynthia Kaikor Engmann, Wotorchi-Gordon Samuel 2013, 'Radiation dose estimation of patients undergoing lumbar spine radiography', Journal of Medical Physics;year=2013;volume=38;issue=4;spage=185;epage=188;aulast=Gyekye. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
All the materials showed a linear response as a function of the air kerma.
Mércia Liane de Oliveira, Ana Figueiredo Maia, Natália Cássia do Espírito Santo Nascimento,Maria da Conceição de Farias Fragoso, Renata Sales Galindo, Clovis Abrahao Hazin 2010, 'Influência da dependência energética de dosímetros termoluminescentes na medida dadose na entrada da pele em procedimentos radiográficos Influence of thermoluminescentdosimeters energy dependence on the measurement of entrance skin dose in radiographicprocedures', Radiologia Brasileira Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
For large grassland plots (n=19), the measured dose rates were on average 6% less than the calculated kerma rates.
V. P. Ramzaev, V. Yu. Golikov 2016, 'A comparison of measured and calculated values of air kerma rates from 137Cs in soil',Radiacionnaâ Gigiena Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Variance analysis was performed to evaluate the significance of the difference between entrance surface air kerma rates.
Angelo Bernardo Brasil de Souza, Simone Kodlulovich Dias, Fernando Mecca Augusto,Winston Andrade Marques 2009, 'Avaliação do kerma no ar na superfície de entrada e da qualidade da imagem em radiografiasde tórax Evaluation of entrance surface air kerma rate and clinical images qualityin chest radiography', Radiologia Brasileira Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
To estimate the air kerma values in the regions of the eyes and thyroid, we used thermoluminescent dosimeters.
Beatriz de Lucena Villa-Chan Cantalupo, Aline Carvalho da Silva Xavier, Clemanzy MarianoLeandro da Silva, Marcos Ely Almeida Andrade, Vinícius Saito Monteiro de Barros, HelenJamil Khoury 2016, 'Dosimetric evaluation of X-ray examinations of paranasal sinuses in pediatric patients',Radiologia Brasileira Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (