Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular presenttense keeps, present participle keeping, past tense, past participle kept
1. link verb
If someone keeps or is kept in a particular state, they remain in it.
The noise kept him awake. [V n adj/prep]
Reggie was being kept busy behind the bar. [V n adj/prep]
To keep warm they burnt wood in a rusty oil barrel. [V adj/prep]
For several years I kept in touch with her. [V adj/prep]
2. verb
If you keep or you are kept in a particular position or place, you remain in it.
Keep away from the doors while the train is moving. [VERB adverb/preposition]
He kept his head down, hiding his features. [VERB noun with adverb]
It was against all orders to smoke, but a cigarette kept away mosquitoes. [VERB noun with adverb]
Doctors will keep her in hospital for at least another week. [VERB noun preposition]
3. verb
If you keepoff something or keepaway from it, you avoid it. If you keepout of something, you avoid getting involved in it. You can also say that you keep someone off, away from or out of something.
I managed to stick to the diet and keep off sweet foods. [VERB preposition/adverb]
The best way to keep babies off sugar is to go back to the natural diet. [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
4. verb
If someone or something keeps you from a particular action, they prevent you from doing it.
Embarrassment has kept me from doing all sorts of things. [VERB noun + from]
He kept her from being lonely. [V n from -ing]
What can you do to keep it from happening again? [V n from -ing]
Synonyms: prevent, hold back, deter, inhibit More Synonyms of keep
5. verb
If you try to keepfrom doing something, you try to stop yourself from doing it.
She bit her lip to keep from crying. [VERB + from]
He had to lean on Dan to keep from falling. [Vfrom -ing]
6. verb
If you keep something from someone, you do not tell them about it.
She knew that Gabriel was keeping something from her. [VERB noun + from]
7. verb
If you keep doing something, you do it repeatedly or continue to do it.
I keep forgetting it's December. [VERB verb-ing]
I turned back after a while, but he kept walking. [VERB verb-ing]
Synonyms: continue, go on, carry on, persist in More Synonyms of keep
Keep on means the same as keep.
Did he give up or keep on trying? [VERBPARTICLE verb-ing]
My wife keeps on saying that I work too hard. [VP -ing]
8. verb
Keep is used with some nouns to indicate that someone does something for a period of time or continues to do it.For example, if you keep a gripon something, you continue to hold or control it.
Until last year, the regime kept a tight grip on the country. [VERB noun]
One of them would keep a look-out on the road behind to warn us of approaching vehicles. [VERB noun]
His parents kept a vigil by his bedside as he was given brain and body scans. [VERB noun]
9. verb
If you keep something, you continue to have it in your possession and do not throw it away, give it away, or sell it.
'I like this dress,' she said. 'Keep it. You can have it,' said Daphne. [VERB noun]
Lathan had to choose between marrying her and keeping his job. [VERB noun]
10. verb
If you keep something in a particular place, you always have it or store it in that place so that you can use it whenever you need it.
She kept her money under the mattress. [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
She remembered where she kept the gun. [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
To make it easier to contact us, keep this card handy. [VERB noun adjective]
Synonyms: store, put, place, house More Synonyms of keep
11. verb
When you keep something such as a promise or an appointment, you do what you said you would do.
I'm hoping you'll keep your promise to come for a long visit. [VERB noun]
He had again failed to keep his word. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: comply with, carry out, honour, fulfil More Synonyms of keep
12. verb
If you keep a record of a series of events, you write down details of it so that they can be referred to later.
Eleanor began to keep a diary. [VERB noun]
The volunteers kept a record of everything they ate for a week. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: record, report, write, document More Synonyms of keep
13. verb
If you keep yourself or keep someone else, you support yourself or the other person by earning enough money to provide food, clothing, money, and other necessary things.
She could just about afford to keep her five kids. [VERB noun]
I just cannot afford to keep myself. [VERB pronoun-reflexive]
That should earn her enough to keep her in cookies for a while. [VERB noun + in]
Synonyms: support, maintain, sustain, provide for More Synonyms of keep
14. singular noun
Someone's keep is the cost of food and other things that they need in their daily life.
Ray will earn his keep on local farms while studying.
I need to give my parents money for my keep.
Synonyms: board, food, maintenance, upkeep More Synonyms of keep
15. verb
If you keep animals, you own them and take care of them.
I've brought you some eggs. We keep chickens. [VERB noun]
This mad writer kept a lobster as a pet. [VERB noun as noun]
Synonyms: raise, own, maintain, tend More Synonyms of keep
16. verb
If you keep a business such as a small shop or hotel, you own it and manage it.
His father kept a village shop. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: manage, run, administer, be in charge (of) More Synonyms of keep
17. verb
If someone or something keeps you, they delay you and make you late.
Sorry to keep you, Jack. [VERB noun]
'What kept you?'—'I went in the wrong direction.' [VERB noun]
Synonyms: delay, detain, hinder, impede More Synonyms of keep
18. verb
If food keeps for a certain length of time, it stays fresh and suitable to eat for that time.
Whatever is left over may be put into the refrigerator, where it will keep for 2-3weeks. [VERB]
Synonyms: stay fresh, be suitable, be safe to eat, remain flavoursome More Synonyms of keep
19. verb [only cont]
You can say or ask how someone is keeping as a way of saying or asking whether they are well.
She hasn't been keeping too well lately. [VERB adverb]
How are you keeping these days? [VERB adverb]
20. countable noun
A keep is the main tower of a medieval castle, in which people lived.
See to keep at it
See for keeps
See to keep going
See in/out of keeping
See to keep it up
See to keep sth to yourself
See to keep (yourself) to yourself
28. to keep someone company
29. to keep your end up
30. to keep a straight face
31. to keep your hand in
32. to keep your head
33. to keep house
34. to keep pace
35. to keep the peace
36. to keep a secret
37. to keep time
38. to keep track
Phrasal verbs:
See keep back
See keep down
See keep in with
See keep on
See keep on about
See keep on at
See keep to
See keep up
More Synonyms of keep
keep in British English
verbWord forms: keeps, keeping or kept (kɛpt)
1. (transitive)
to have or retain possession of
2. (transitive)
to have temporary possession or charge of
keep my watch for me during the game
3. (transitive)
to store in a customary place
I keep my books in the desk
to remain or cause to remain in a specified state or condition
keep the dog quiet
keep ready
to continue or cause to continue
keep the beat
keep in step
6. (transitive)
to have or take charge or care of
keep the shop for me till I return
7. (transitive)
to look after or maintain for use, pleasure, etc
to keep chickens
keep two cars
8. (transitive)
to provide for the upkeep or livelihood of
9. (transitive)
to support financially, esp in return for sexual favours
he keeps a mistress in the country
to confine or detain or be confined or detained
to withhold or reserve or admit of withholding or reserving
your news will keep till later
12. (transitive)
to refrain from divulging or violating
to keep a secret
keep one's word
to preserve or admit of preservation
14. (transitive; sometimes foll byup)
to observe with due rites or ceremonies
to keep the anniversary
15. (transitive)
to maintain by writing regular records in
to keep a diary
16. (whenintr, foll by in, on, to, etc)
to stay in, on, or at (a place or position)
please keep your seats
keep to the path
17. (transitive)
to associate with (esp in the phrase keep bad company)
18. (transitive)
to maintain in existence
to keep court in the palace
19. (transitive) mainly British
to have habitually in stock
this shop keeps all kinds of wool
20. how are you keeping?
21. keep tabs on
22. keep track of
23. keep time
24. keep wicket
25. you can keep it
living or support
he must work for his keep
27. archaic
charge or care
28. Also called: dungeon, donjon
the main tower within the walls of a medieval castle or fortress
Word origin
Old English cēpan to observe; compare Old Saxon kapōn to look, Old Norse kōpa to stare
keep in American English
verb transitiveWord forms: kept or ˈkeeping
to observe or pay regard to
; specif.,
to observe with due or prescribed acts, ceremonies, etc.; celebrate or solemnize
to keep the Sabbath
to fulfill (a promise, etc.)
to follow or adhere to (a routine, diet, etc.)
to go on maintaining
to keep pace
e. Archaic
to attend (church, etc.) regularly
to take care of, or have and take care or charge of
; specif.,
to protect; guard; defend
to look after; watch over; tend
to raise (livestock)
to maintain in good order or condition; preserve
to supply with food, shelter, etc.; provide for; support
to supply with food or lodging for pay
to keep boarders
to have or maintain in one's service or for one's use
to keep servants
to set down regularly in writing; maintain (a continuous written record)
to keep an account of sales
to make regular entries in; maintain a continuous record of transactions, accounts, or happenings in
to keep books of account, to keep a diary
to carry on; conduct; manage
to maintain, or cause to stay or continue, in a specified condition, position, etc.
to keep an engine running
to have or hold
; specif.,
to have or hold for future use or for a long time
to have regularly in stock for sale
to have or hold and not let go
; specif.,
to hold in custody; prevent from escaping
to prevent from leaving; detain
to hold back; restrain
to keep someone from talking
to withhold
to conceal; not tell (a secret, etc.)
to continue to have or hold; not lose or give up
to stay in or at; not leave (a path, course, or place)
verb intransitive
to stay or continue in a specified condition, position, etc.
to continue; go on; persevere or persist
often with on
to keep on talking
to hold oneself back; refrain
to keep from telling someone
to stay in good condition; not become spoiled, sour, stale, etc.; last
to require no immediate attention
a task that will keep until tomorrow
11. US, Informal
to continue in session
will school keep all day?
12. Rare
to reside; live; stay
13. Obsolete
care, charge, or custody
the strongest, innermost part or central tower of a medieval castle; donjon
a stronghold; fort; castle
15. Rare
a keeping or being kept
what is needed to maintain a person or animal; food and shelter; support; livelihood
SIMILAR WORDS: ˈceleˌbrate
for keeps
keep at
keep in with
keep time
keep to
keep to oneself
keep up
keep up with
keep up with the Joneses
Word origin
ME kepen < OE cœpan, to behold, watch out for, lay hold of, akin to MLowG kapen, ON kopa, to stare at < ? IE base *ĝab-, to look at or for
Examples of 'keep' in a sentence
We just want to keep doing our business.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
We need to keep on top of teams.
The Sun (2016)
You can only keep it going for so long.
The Sun (2016)
She keeps saying she will leave my dad to be with me.
The Sun (2017)
They have kept down costs by expanding at a time when provincial high streets are struggling.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
We have not kept in touch with any of them.
The Sun (2016)
The man himself will have no trouble keeping busy.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
We need a settled workforce, which keeps the village shops and services open.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
We shall just have to keep saying our prayers.
Turner, Janine Behind Closed Doors - advice for families with violence in the home (1988)
Three people kept me buoyed while this book was being written.
Kennedy, Douglas In God's Country: travels in the Bible belt, USA. (1989)
We just need to keep that going.
The Sun (2011)
You need that tenacity to keep going.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
We look at other ways to keep holiday costs down.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
We kept in touch over that period.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
What else will be keeping you busy over the summer months?
The Sun (2011)
But he promised to keep a close eye on it.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
Police will be trying to keep people away from danger spots.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
We knew something had to give if we kept going.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Long after the farewell he was kept passive by a weight of retrospective feeling.
George Eliot Daniel Deronda (1876)
We will also keep having conversations during the game about what we need to do.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
You can then keep the battery charged up at home.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
You just get on with life and keep going.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
The officers asked him to keep the noise down in such future endeavours.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Only keep food in the kitchen or pantry.
Wallace, Louise M & Bundy, Christine Coping with Angina (1990)
Did they really expect the shops to keep the stock until they could be bothered to go there?
The Sun (2012)
The heads of all the big banks keep saying how important it is to restore public trust in financial services.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
In other languages
British English: keep /kiːp/ VERB
stay in a particular condition If someone keeps still or warm, they stay like that.
We lit a fire to keep warm.
`Keep still!'
American English: keep
Arabic: يَبْقَى
Brazilian Portuguese: guardar
Chinese: 保持
Croatian: zadržati
Czech: nechat si
Danish: holde beholde
Dutch: houden
European Spanish: guardar conservar
Finnish: säilyttää
French: garder conserver
German: behalten
Greek: διατηρώ
Italian: tenere
Japanese: 持ち続ける
Korean: 유지하다
Norwegian: beholde
Polish: zatrzymywać
European Portuguese: guardar
Romanian: a menține
Russian: сохранять
Latin American Spanish: mantenerse
Swedish: behålla
Thai: คงรักษาไว้
Turkish: tutmak
Ukrainian: залишатися
Vietnamese: giữ
British English: keep /kiːp/ VERB
stay in a particular position If someone keeps away from a place, they do not go near it.
Keep away from the road.
American English: keep
Arabic: يَبْعُدُ عَنْ
Brazilian Portuguese: manter
Chinese: 使留在
Croatian: kloniti se
Czech: zdržovat sekde
Danish: holde (sig)
Dutch: blijven
European Spanish: mantenerse
Finnish: pysytellä
French: rester à l'écart
German: sich halten
Greek: μένω
Italian: stare lontano
Japanese: 近づかない
Korean: 유지하다
Norwegian: holde
Polish: utrzymywać
European Portuguese: manter
Romanian: a se feri
Russian: держаться
Latin American Spanish: mantenerse
Swedish: hålla
Thai: อยู่ห่างจาก
Turkish: uzak durmak
Ukrainian: триматися
Vietnamese: giữ
British English: keep /kiːp/ VERB
continue If you keep doing something, you do it many times or you do it some more.
I keep forgetting to take my umbrella.
American English: keep
Arabic: يَسْتَمِرُّ
Brazilian Portuguese: continuar
Chinese: 重复做
Croatian: stalno činiti
Czech: stále něco dělat
Danish: blive ved med
Dutch: doorgaan met
European Spanish: seguir
Finnish: tehdä jtak alinomaa t. jatkuvastiunohdan jatkuvasti
French: ne pas arrêter de
German: ständig
Greek: συνεχίζω
Italian: continuare a
Japanese: ・・・し続ける
Korean: 반복하다
Norwegian: fortsette
Polish: wciąż coś robić
European Portuguese: continuar
Romanian: a continua
Russian: продолжать
Latin American Spanish: mentener
Swedish: fortsätta
Thai: ทำเรื่อยไป
Turkish: devam etmek
Ukrainian: продовжувати
Vietnamese: tiếp tục
British English: keep /kiːp/ VERB
store When you keep something, you store it somewhere.
She kept her money under the bed.
American English: keep
Arabic: يَحْفَظُ
Brazilian Portuguese: guardar
Chinese: 保存
Croatian: čuvati
Czech: nechat siu sebe
Danish: gemme
Dutch: bewaren
European Spanish: guardar
Finnish: pitää
French: garderconserver
German: aufbewahren
Greek: φυλάσσω
Italian: conservare
Japanese: ・・・をしまっておく
Korean: 보관하다
Norwegian: oppbevare
Polish: trzymać
European Portuguese: guardar
Romanian: a păstra
Russian: хранить
Latin American Spanish: guardar
Swedish: förvara
Thai: เก็บ
Turkish: saklamak
Ukrainian: тримати
Vietnamese: giữ
All related terms of 'keep'
keep at
to persevere with or persist in
keep in
to stay indoors
keep on
If you keep someone on , you continue to employ them, for example after they are old enough to retire or after other employees have lost their jobs .
keep to
If you keep to a rule , plan , or agreement , you do exactly what you are expected or supposed to do.
keep up
If you keep up with someone or something that is moving near you, you move at the same speed .
keep away
to refrain or prevent from coming (near)
keep back
If you keep back part of something, you do not use or give away all of it, so that you still have some to use at a later time.
keep dark
to keep secret or hidden
keep down
If you keep the number, size , or amount of something down , you do not let it get bigger or go higher .
keep fit
Keep-fit is the activity of keeping your body in good condition by doing special exercises.
keep from
to prevent or restrain (oneself or another); refrain or cause to refrain
keep nit
to keep watch , esp during illegal activity
keep off
to stay or cause to stay at a distance (from)
keep out
to remain or cause to remain outside
keep pace
If you keep pace with someone who is walking or running , you succeed in going as fast as them, so that you remain close to them.
keep step
to remain walking , marching , dancing, etc, in unison or in a specified rhythm
keep time
to observe correctly the accent or rhythmic pulse of a piece of music in relation to tempo
keep books
to keep a record of business transactions
keep count
to keep a record of items , events, etc
keep going
If you keep going , you continue doing things or doing a particular thing.
keep house
to take care of the affairs of a home ; run a house
keep kosher
to observe the Jewish dietary laws
keep order
to maintain or enforce order
keep score
If you keep score of the number of things that are happening in a certain situation , you count them and record them.
keep stroke
to make strokes in rhythm
keep under
to remain or cause to remain below (a surface)
keep vigil
If someone keeps a vigil or keeps vigil somewhere , they remain there quietly for a period of time, especially at night , for example because they are praying or are making a political protest .
keep watch
If someone keeps watch , they look and listen all the time, while other people are asleep or doing something else, so that they can warn them of danger or an attack .
keep wicket
to play as wicketkeeper in the game of cricket
keep company
If you keep company with a person or with a particular kind of person, you spend a lot of time with them.
keep it up
to continue a good performance
keep on at
If you keep on at someone, you repeatedly ask or tell them something in a way that annoys them.
keep in with
If you keep in with someone, you stay friendly with them, often in order to gain some advantage for yourself because they have power or influence.
keep out of
to remain or cause to remain unexposed to
keep tabs on
to keep a watchful eye on
keep up with
to remain in contact with, esp by letter
to keep pace
If something keeps pace with something else that is changing, it changes quickly in response to it.
to keep time
If you keep time when playing or singing music , you follow or play the beat , without going too fast or too slowly.
keep a lookout
If someone keeps a lookout , especially on a boat , they look around all the time in order to make sure there is no danger .
keep-fit class
an exercise class designed to promote physical fitness
keep on about
If you say that someone keeps on about something, you mean that they keep talking about it in a boring way.
keep pace with
to proceed at the same speed as
keep sb amused
If you keep someone amused , you find things to do which stop them getting bored .
keep someone posted
If you keep someone posted , you keep giving them the latest information about a situation that they are interested in.
keep someone sweet
If you keep someone sweet , you do something to please them in order to prevent them from becoming annoyed or dissatisfied .
keep the books
to keep written records of the finances of a business or other enterprise
keep the field
to continue activity, as in games or military operations
keep the peace
to maintain or refrain from disturbing law and order
keep track of
to follow the passage, course, or progress of
keep your cool to lose your cool
If you keep your cool in a difficult situation, you manage to remain calm . If you lose your cool , you get angry or upset .
Chinese translation of 'keep'
Word forms:ptppkept
(= retain)[receipt, money, job]保留 (bǎoliú)
⇒ Make sure you always keep your receipts.记住留着收据。 (Jìzhù liúzhe shōujù.)
(= store) 保存 (bǎocún)
⇒ Keep your card in a safe place.把你的卡保存好。 (Bǎ nǐ de kǎ bǎocún hǎo.)
⇒ The rubbish is kept in the basement.垃圾是放在地下室的。 (Lājī shì fàng zài dìxiàshì de.)
(= detain) 留 (liú)
⇒ They kept her in hospital overnight.他们留她在医院过夜。 (Tāmen liú tā zài yīyuàn guòyè.)
(= hold) 保持 (bǎochí)
⇒ Keep your back straight.别驼背。 (Bié tuóbèi.)
⇒ Keep costs to a minimum.尽量减低费用。 (Jǐnliàng jiǎndī fèiyòng.)
(= manage)[shop, guest house]经(經)营(營) (jīngyíng)
⇒ My aunt kept a sweetshop.我姨妈经营糖果店。 (Wǒ yímā jīngyíng tángguǒdiàn.)
(= look after)[chickens, bees etc]饲养(養) (sìyǎng)
[accounts, diary]记(記) (jì)
⇒ As a young girl I used to keep a diary.当我是小女孩时我常记日记。 (Dāng wǒ shì xiǎo nǚhái shí wǒ cháng jì rìjì.)
(= support)[family]养(養) (yǎng)
(= stay) 保持 (bǎochí)
⇒ It's not always easy to keep warm.保暖并不总是那么容易的。 (Bǎonuǎn bìng bù zǒngshì nàme róngyì de.)
(= last)[food]保鲜(鮮) (bǎoxiān)
⇒ Homemade muesli keeps for ages.自己做的穆兹利可以保鲜很长时间。 (Zìjǐ zuò de mùzīlì kěyǐ bǎoxiān hěn cháng shíjiān.)
⇒ Fish doesn't keep well, even in the fridge.就算把鱼放在冰箱里也不容易保鲜。 (Jiù suàn bǎ yú fàng zài bīngxiāng li yě bù róngyì bǎoxiān.)
(s) (= expenses) 生活费(費) (shēnghuófèi)
⇒ I need to give my parents money for my keep.我需要给父母我的生活费。 (Wǒ xūyào gěi fùmǔ wǒ de shēnghuófèi.)
to keep sb waiting让(讓)某人等着(著) (ràng mǒurén děngzhe)
to keep the room tidy保持房间(間)整洁(潔) (bǎochí fángjiān zhěngjié)
to keep sth to o.s.保守秘(祕)密 (bǎoshǒu mìmì)
to keep an appointment守约(約) (shǒuyuē)
to keep a promise履行诺(諾)言 (lǚxíng nuòyán)
to keep one's word履行诺(諾)言 (lǚxíng nuòyán)
can you keep a secret?你能保守秘(祕)密吗(嗎)? (nǐ néng bǎoshǒu mìmì ma?)
to keep a record (of sth)记(記)录(錄) (某事) (jìlù (mǒushì))
to keep o.s.供养(養)自己 (gōngyǎng zìjǐ)
to keep (good) time[clock]准(準)时(時) (zhǔnshí)
what kept you?怎么(麼)会(會)晚了? (zěnme huì wǎn le?)
how are you keeping? (inf) 你还(還)好吗(嗎)? (nǐ hái hǎo ma?)
to keep at it (= persevere) 坚(堅)持干(幹) (jiānchí gàn)
All related terms of 'keep'
keep in
( invalid, child ) 不让(讓)外出 bù ràng wàichū
keep on
▶ to keep on doing sth 继(繼)续(續)做某事 jìxù zuò mǒushì ⇒ They kept on walking for a while in silence. → 他们继续走了一会儿,谁都没说话。 Tāmen jìxù zǒule yīhuìr, shuí dōu méi shuōhuà.
keep to
( observe : agreement ) 遵守 zūnshǒu
keep up
( maintain : standards ) 维(維)持 wéichí ⇒ It's important to keep up our standards. → 维持水准是很重要的。 Wéichí shuǐzhǔn shì hěn zhòngyào de.
keep fit
健身运(運)动(動) jiànshēn yùndòng
keep off
使不接近 shǐ bù jiējìn ⇒ a bamboo shelter to keep the rain off → 挡雨的竹棚 dǎngyǔ de zhúpéng ⇒ Keep your dog off my lawn! → 别让你的狗接近我的草坪! Bié ràng nǐ de gǒu jiējìn wǒ de cǎopíng!
keep out
( intruder, unwelcome visitor ) 阻拦(攔) zǔlán ⇒ a guard dog to keep out intruders → 阻止闯入者的看家狗 zǔzhǐ chuǎngrùzhě de kānjiāgǒu
( class, session, course ) 健身 jiànshēn
keep away
▶ to keep sth/sb away (from sth) 使某物/某人不要来(來)(某处(處)) shǐ mǒuwù/mǒurén bù yào lái (mǒuchù) ⇒ Keep animals away from the kitchen. → 别让动物到厨房里。 Bié ràng dòngwù dào chúfáng li.
keep back
( reserve : paint, ingredients ) 保留 bǎoliú ⇒ Keep back enough juice to make the sauce. → 留足够的汁做调味汁。 Liú zúgòu de zhī zuò tiáowèizhī.
keep down
( control : prices, spending ) 控制 kòngzhì ⇒ We want to try and keep costs down. → 我们想尽量压缩费用。 Wǒmen xiǎng jǐnliàng yāsuō fèiyòng.
keep from
▶ to keep from doing sth 克制 kèzhì ⇒ She bit her lip to keep from crying. → 她咬着嘴唇克制着自己不要哭。 Tā yǎozhe zuǐchún kèzhìzhe zìjǐ bù yào kū.
to keep fit
保持健康 bǎochí jiànkāng
to keep mum
保密 bǎomì
to keep up
跟上 gēnshàng
keep in with
搞好关(關)系(係) gǎohǎo guānxì ⇒ Now he is getting old he wishes he had kept in with his family. → 他年纪大了,后悔当初没有多亲近家人。 Tā niánji dà le, hòuhuǐ dāngchū méiyǒu duō qīnjìn jiārén.