a department of E France, in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region. Capital: Lons-le-Saunier. Pop: 253 309 (2003 est)). Area: 5055 sq km (1971 sq miles)
a canton of Switzerland, bordering the French frontier: formed in 1979 from part of Bern. Capital: Delémont. Pop: 69 200 (2002 est). Area: 838 sq km (323 sq miles)
an island off the W coast of Scotland, in the Inner Hebrides, separated from the mainland by the Sound of Jura. Pop: 200 (2004 est). Area: 381 sq km (147 sq miles)
a mountain range in W central Europe, between the Rivers Rhine and Rhône: mostly in E France, extending into W Switzerland
a range of mountains in the NE quadrant of the moon lying on the N border of the Mare Imbrium
Jura in American English1
thethe Jurassic Period or its rocks
Jura in American English2
canton in W Switzerland: 323 sq mi (837 sq km); pop. 69,000
mountain range along the Swiss-French border: highest peak, 5,652 ft (1,723 m)
: also called Jura Mountains
jura in American English
(ˈdʒʊrə; ˈjʊrə; ˈjuˌrɑ)
pl. of
Examples of 'jura' in a sentence
We leave Switzerland by way of the Jura Mountains.
Richard Fortey THE EARTH: An Intimate History (2004)
The human population of less than 200 on Jura is outnumbered by its 6,000 deer.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Since then he has designed and built his own house, in the Jura Mountains.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Right next to the distillery on the island of Jura - inhabited for 8,000 years - is Scotland's most romantic hideaway.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
He finds the uninhabited west coast of the Isle of Jura most conducive, with 'no schedule to keep, no deadlines to meet'.