The suspension of something is the act of delaying or stopping it for a while or until a decision is made about it.
A strike by British Airways ground staff has led to the suspension of flights betweenLondon and Manchester. [+ of]
Art experts have appealed for the suspension of plans to restore one of Leonardoda Vinci's most celebrated paintings.
Synonyms: postponement, delay, stopping, break More Synonyms of suspension
2. variable noun
Someone's suspension is their removal from a job or position for a period of time or until a decision is made about them.
The minister warned that any civil servant not at his desk faced immediate suspension.
The athlete received a two-year suspension following a positive drug test.
Synonyms: removal, expulsion, rejection, exclusion More Synonyms of suspension
3. variable noun
A vehicle's suspension consists of the springs and other devices attached to the wheels, which give a smooth ride over uneven ground.
suspension in British English
an interruption or temporary revocation
the suspension of a law
a temporary debarment, as from position, privilege, etc
a deferment, esp of a decision, judgment, etc
4. law
a postponement of execution of a sentence or the deferring of a judgment, etc
a temporary extinguishment of a right or title
cessation of payment of business debts, esp as a result of insolvency
the act of suspending or the state of being suspended
a system of springs, shock absorbers, etc, that supports the body of a wheeled or tracked vehicle and insulates it and its occupants from shocks transmitted by the wheels
See also hydraulic suspension
a device or structure, usually a wire or spring, that serves to suspend or support something, such as the pendulum of a clock
9. chemistry
a dispersion of fine solid or liquid particles in a fluid, the particles being supported by buoyancy
See also colloid
the process by which eroded particles of rock are transported in a river
11. music
one or more notes of a chord that are prolonged until a subsequent chord is sounded, usually to form a dissonance
suspension in American English
a suspending or being suspended
; specif.,
a temporary barring from an office, school, etc.
a temporary stoppage of payment, service, etc.
a temporary canceling, as of rules
a deferring of action on a sentence
a holding back of a judgment, etc.
a supporting device or framework upon or from which something is suspended
the system of springs, shocks, etc. supporting a vehicle upon its undercarriage or axles
the act or means of suspending the balance or pendulum in a timepiece
5. Chemistry
the condition of a substance whose particles are dispersed through a fluid but not dissolved in it, esp. the condition of one having relatively large particles that will separate out on standing
see also colloid
a substance in this condition
6. Music
the continuing of one or more tones of one chord into a following chord while the other tones are changed, so that a temporary dissonance is created
the tone or tones so continued
Word origin
ML suspensio < LL, an arching < L suspensus: see suspense
suspension in Automotive Engineering
Word forms: (regular plural) suspensions
(Automotive engineering: Vehicle components, Brakes, steering, wheels, tires, and suspension)
A vehicle's suspension consists of the springs and other devices attached to the wheels, which give a smoothride over uneven ground.
COLLOCATIONS: front ~rear ~
This is the only small car that they make with independent front suspension.
The ride of the car felt better with its suspension lowered, but it was still over-geared.
In conventional suspension systems, a combination of springs and shock absorbers reduces the uncomfortable andwearing effects of driving on a rough or bumpy road.
independent suspension, suspension geometry
The suspension can include the following:A-armdamperstabilizer bartorsion bartrailing arm
suspension in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Word forms: (regular plural) suspensions
(Pharmaceutical: Ingredients)
A suspension is a dispersion of fine solid or liquid particles in a less dense liquid or gas.
Particles are dispersed throughout the liquid and form a suspension.
The suspension contains fine particles of the drug distributed throughout the liquid.
A suspension is a dispersion of fine solid or liquid particles in a less dense liquid or gas.
Examples of 'suspension' in a sentence
But he knew that suspension was only a halfway house towards complete termination.
Dobbs, Michael WALL GAMES (2001)
Annie knew he must be wondering what Cooper's suspension had to do with him.
In other languages
British English: suspension /səˈspɛnʃən/ NOUN
The suspension of something is the act of delaying or stopping it for a while.
...the suspension of flights between the two cities.
American English: suspension
Arabic: تَعْلِيق
Brazilian Portuguese: suspensão
Chinese: 暂停
Croatian: suspenzija
Czech: odložení pozastavení
Danish: suspendering
Dutch: schorsing
European Spanish: suspensión
Finnish: keskeytys
French: suspension
German: Aussetzung
Greek: αναστολή
Italian: sospensione
Japanese: 一時停止
Korean: 정지
Norwegian: utsettelse
Polish: zawieszenie
European Portuguese: suspensão
Romanian: suspensie
Russian: приостановка
Latin American Spanish: suspensión
Swedish: upphängning
Thai: การหยุดชั่วคราว
Turkish: askıya alma
Ukrainian: призупинення
Vietnamese: sự đình chỉ
All related terms of 'suspension'
air suspension
a type of suspension powered by a pump or compressor that pressurizes the air, intended to give a smooth ride
suspension file
a folder for documents that has protruding ends that can be hung over rails for storage
active suspension
a type of suspension in a car that is controlled by an onboard computer and improves the vehicle's roadholding so that it takes corners , accelerates , and brakes more smoothly
suspension bridge
A suspension bridge is a type of bridge that is supported from above by cables.
suspension point
one of a group of dots , usually three , used in written material to indicate the omission of a word or words
suspension points
a group of dots , usually three, used in written material to indicate the omission of a word or words
colloidal suspension
a mixture having particles of one component , with diameters between 10 −7 and 10 −9 metres , suspended in a continuous phase of another component. The mixture has properties between those of a solution and a fine suspension
hydraulic suspension
a system of motor-vehicle suspension using hydraulic members, often with hydraulic compensation between front and rear systems ( hydroelastic suspension )
independent suspension
the mounting of each wheel independently on the chassis
suspension geometry
Suspension geometry is the geometric arrangement of the parts of a suspension system, and the value of the lengths and angles within it.
hydroelastic suspension
a system of motor-vehicle suspension using hydraulic members, often with hydraulic compensation between front and rear systems ( hydroelastic suspension )