[1550–60; joint + -less]This word is first recorded in the period 1550–60. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: haul, network, scanner, urge, vertical-less an adjective suffix meaning “without” (childless; peerless), and in adjectives derived from verbs, indicating failure or inability to performor be performed (resistless; tireless)
Examples of 'jointless' in a sentence
This cultivar has the jointless locus (j2), which facilitates both manual and mechanical harvesting.
Leonardo de B Giordano, Leonardo S Boiteux, Alice M Quezado-Duval, Maria Esther deN Fonseca, Francisco V Resende, Ailton Reis, Matías González, Warley Marcos Nascimento,José L Mendonça 2010, ''BRS Tospodoro': a high lycopene processing tomato cultivar adapted to organic croppingsystems and with multiple resistance to pathogens 'BRS Tospodoro': Cultivar de tomatepara processamento com alto licopeno, adaptada aos sistemas de cultivo orgânico ecom múltiplos genes de resistência a patógenos', Horticultura Brasileirahttp://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0102-05362010000200019. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode)
The numerical analyses are carried out on jointless pavements of different sizes.
Giuseppe Tiberti, Antonio Mudadu, Bryan Barragan, Giovanni Plizzari 2018, 'Shrinkage Cracking of Concrete Slabs-On-Grade: A Numerical Parametric Study', Fibershttp://www.mdpi.com/2079-6439/6/3/64. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode)