A talisman is an object which you believe has magic powers to protect you or bring you luck.
Synonyms: charm, mascot, amulet, lucky charm More Synonyms of talisman
talisman in British English
nounWord forms: plural-mans
a stone or other small object, usually inscribed or carved, believed to protect the wearer from evil influences
anything thought to have magical or protective powers
Derived forms
talismanic (ˌtælɪzˈmænɪk) or talismanical (ˌtælɪzˈmænɪkəl)
Word origin
C17: via French or Spanish from Arabic tilsam, from Medieval Greek telesma ritual, from Greek: consecration, from telein to perform a rite, complete, from telos end, result
talisman in American English
(ˈtælɪsmən; ˈtælɪzmən)
nounWord forms: pluralˈtalismans
something, as a ring or stone, bearing engraved figures or symbols thought to bring good luck, keep away evil, etc.; amulet
anything thought to have magic power; a charm
Derived forms
talismanic (ˌtalisˈmanic)
adjective or ˌtalisˈmanical
Word origin
Fr < Ar ṭilasm, magic figure, horoscope < MGr telesma, consecrated object (hence, one with power to avert evil) < LGr, religious rite telein, to initiate, orig., to complete < telos, an end: see telo-2
Examples of 'talisman' in a sentence
Many strikers or talisman players find themselves booed by opposition fans.
The Sun (2006)
He is their captain and their talisman.
The Sun (2009)
A true talisman is a player who does more than can be measured.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
But it also needs to learn how to use mathematics intelligently, rather than as a kind of magical talisman.
Christianity Today (2000)
Many carry a lucky talisman; a gift from a parent or a lover, or some other object that has acquired significance.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
MANCHESTER CITY'S lucky talisman Fernandinho is ready to embark on a massive week.
The Sun (2014)
a stone or other small object, usually inscribed or carved, believed to protect the wearer from evil influences
a talisman with protective powers
He carried a rabbit's foot as a good luck charm.
He brought forth a small gold amulet.
lucky charm
Tribal elders carried the sacred fetishes.
periapt (rare)
Additional synonyms
in the sense of amulet
a trinket or jewel worn as a protection against evil