Twice she had spurred him on in the scallop shack behind Joe 's house, the mosquitoes feasting merrily on his back.
Mark Mills AMAGANSETT (2004)
He was being presented to Joe - that much was clear - for the old man's scrutiny, his seal of approval.
Mark Mills AMAGANSETT (2004)
When Daniel said he was not in the mood to party Joe urged him to keep the faith.
Phillip Margolin THE ASSOCIATE (2001)
All related terms of 'Joe'
GI Joe
a US enlisted soldier ; a GI
joe job
a dull unrewarding job or task
Holy Joe
a minister or chaplain
Joe Blake
a snake
Joe Blow
an average , ordinary man
Joe Soap
a person who is regarded as unintelligent and imposed upon as a stooge or scapegoat
average Joe
An average Joe is an average or ordinary man.
Joe Blakes
→ the Joe Blakes
Joe Bloggs
an average or typical man
Joe College
a typical college student , esp one devoted to having fun
Joe Public
the general public
sloppy joe
a long baggy thin sweater
joe-pye weed
any of several North American plants of the genus Eupatorium , esp E. purpureum, having pale purplish clusters of flower heads lacking rays : family Asteraceae ( composites )