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View usage for: (dʒɒkjʊləʳ) adjectiveIf you say that someone has a jocular manner, you mean that they are cheerful and often make jokes or try to make people laugh. [formal] He was in a less jocular mood than usual. The song was written in a light-hearted jocular way. Synonyms: humorous, joking, funny, amusing More Synonyms of jocular jocular in British English (ˈdʒɒkjʊlə) adjective1. characterized by joking and good humour 2. meant lightly or humorously; facetious Derived forms jocularity (ˌdʒɒkjʊˈlærɪtɪ) noun jocularly (ˈjocularly) adverb Word origin C17: from Latin joculāris, from joculus little jokejocular in American English (ˈdʒɑkjələr) adjective1. joking; humorous; full of fun SIMILAR WORDS: ˈwitty Derived forms jocularity (ˌjocuˈlarity) (ˈdʒɑkjuˈlærəti; ˈdʒɑkjəˈlærəti) nounWord forms: plural ˌjocuˈlarities jocularly (ˈjocularly) adverb Word origin L jocularis < joculus, dim. of jocus, joke Examples of 'jocular' in a sentencejocular Kenworthy did his best to suggest in jocular fashion that he was relieved to be in the clear, but he stemmed her efforts to pry for details.The cautious part of him feared a jocular response from Bridget -- and caution is often a sound guide."Come on," she said, attempting a jocular manner that she hoped masked her anxiety, "who is it?he said, staring into my face in search of a jocular smile. Definition (of a remark) meant lightly or humorously I was in a less jocular mood than usual. Synonyms joking teasing jesting frolicsome ludic (literary) waggish sportive jocund Opposites serious , earnest , solemn , humourless Additional synonymsHe had a great sense of humour and could be very amusing. Synonyms funny, humorous, gratifying, laughable, farcical, comical, droll, interesting, pleasing, charming, cheering, entertaining, comic, pleasant, lively, diverting, delightful, enjoyable, cheerful, witty, merry, gladdening, facetious, jocular, rib-tickling, waggishDefinition causing amusement, often because of being ludicrous or ridiculous The whole situation suddenly struck her as being comical. Synonyms funny, entertaining, comic, silly, amusing, ridiculous, diverting, absurd, hilarious, ludicrous, humorous, priceless (informal), laughable, farcical, whimsical, zany, droll, risible (formal), side-splittingDefinition quaintly amusing The band have a droll sense of humour. Synonyms amusing, odd, funny, entertaining, comic, ridiculous, diverting, eccentric, ludicrous, humorous, quaint, off-the-wall (slang), laughable, farcical, whimsical, comical, oddball (informal), risible, jocular, clownish, waggish- jobs for the boys
- jockey
- jocose
- jocular
- jog
- joie de vivre
- join
Additional synonymsDefinition joking, or trying to be amusing, esp. at inappropriate times Are you going to listen or just make facetious remarks? Synonyms flippant, funny, amusing, witty, merry, humorous, playful, pleasant, frivolous, tongue in cheek, comical, jesting, droll, jocular, waggish, unserious, jocose (old-fashioned) Definition merry and playful Synonyms playful, gay, lively, merry, sprightly, wanton (archaic), rollicking, frisky, full of beans (informal), coltish, kittenish, ludic (literary), sportiveDefinition causing amusement or laughter I'll tell you a funny story. Synonyms humorous, amusing, comical, entertaining, killing (informal), rich, comic, silly, ridiculous, diverting, absurd, jolly, witty, hilarious, ludicrous, laughable, farcical, slapstick, riotous, droll, risible (formal), facetious, jocular, side-splitting, waggish, jocose (old-fashioned) Definition playful or humorous His conversation is carefully maintained at a level of jocose pomposity. Synonyms humorous, funny, pleasant, witty, merry, playful, mischievous, joyous, comical, jesting, teasing, jovial, droll, blithe, facetious, jocular, waggish, sportiveDefinition involving a lot of fun She was a jolly, kindhearted woman. Synonyms happy, bright, funny, lively, hopeful, sunny, cheerful, merry, vibrant, hilarious, festive, upbeat, bubbly, gay (old-fashioned), airy, playful, exuberant, jubilant, cheery, good-humoured, joyous, joyful, carefree, breezy, genial, ebullient (old-fashioned), chirpy (informal), sprightly, jovial, convivial, effervescent, frolicsome (old-fashioned), ludic (literary), mirthful, sportive, light-hearted, jocund (old-fashioned), gladsome (archaic), blithesome (archaic) Definition happy and cheerful Father Whittaker appeared to be in a jovial mood. Synonyms cheerful, happy, jolly, animated, glad (archaic), merry, hilarious, buoyant, airy, jubilant, cheery, cordial, convivial, blithe, gay (old-fashioned), mirthful, jocund (old-fashioned), jocose (old-fashioned) Definition full of high spirits and fun They tumbled around like playful children. Synonyms lively, spirited, cheerful, merry, mischievous, joyous, sprightly, vivacious, rollicking, impish, frisky, puckish, coltish, kittenish, frolicsome, ludic (literary), sportive, gay (old-fashioned), larkish (informal) She had a roguish grin. Synonyms mischievous, arch, cheeky, playful, impish, coquettish, puckish, frolicsome, ludic (literary), waggish, sportiveDefinition unusual, playful, and fanciful He had an offbeat, whimsical sense of humour. Synonyms fanciful, odd, funny, unusual, fantastic, curious, weird, peculiar, eccentric, queer (archaic), flaky (slang, US), singular, quaint, playful, mischievous, capricious (formal), droll (old-fashioned), freakish, fantastical, crotchety, chimerical (poetic), waggish (old-fashioned) Definition clever and amusing one of those genuinely witty speakers to whom one could listen for hours Synonyms humorous, original, brilliant, funny, clever, amusing, lively, sparkling, ingenious, fanciful, whimsical, droll, piquant, facetious, jocular, epigrammatic, waggish |