a group of persons summoned from among those present in court or from bystanders to fill vacancies on a jury panel
2. (functioning as singular)
the writ summoning such jurors
Derived forms
talesman (ˈtalesman)
Word origin
C15: from Medieval Latin phrase tālēs dē circumstantibus such men from among the bystanders, from Latin tālis such
tales in American English
plural noun Law
people summoned to fill jury vacancies when the regular panel has become deficient in number, as by challenge
2. [with sing. v.]
the writ that summons them
Word origin
ME < ML tales (de circumstantibus), such (of those standing about), phr. in writ summoning them < L, pl. of talis, such: see that
More idioms containing
tell tales
tall tales
dead men tell no tales
Examples of 'tales' in a sentence
Despite the regulations some refugees had slipped westward and the tales they told made folk shudder.
Townsend, Eileen IN LOVE AND WAR (2001)
All related terms of 'tales'
A tale is a story, often involving magic or exciting events.
tall tales
stories or statements which are difficult to believe because they are so exaggerated or unlikely
tell tales
If someone tells tales about you, they tell other people things about you which are untrue or which you wanted to be kept secret .
Jataka Tales
a body of literature comprising accounts of previous lives of the Buddha
Canterbury Tales
an unfinished literary work by Chaucer , largely in verse, consisting of stories told by pilgrims on their way to the shrine of St. Thomas à Becket at Canterbury
folk tale
a story, usually of anonymous authorship and containing legendary elements, made and handed down orally among the common people
tall story
A tall story is the same as a → tall tale .
tall tale
A tall tale is a long and complicated story that is difficult to believe because most of the events it describes seem unlikely or impossible .
The Canterbury Tales
a collection of stories written by Geoffrey Chaucer in the 14th century. Each story is narrated by one of a group of pilgrims who are travelling to Canterbury Cathedral to visit the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket
fairy tale
A fairy tale is a story for children involving magical events and imaginary creatures .
dead men tell no tales
said to mean that someone who is dead cannot reveal the truth about what caused their death
old wives' tale
An old wives ' tale is a traditional belief, especially one which is incorrect .