Steve, full name Steven Paul Jobs. 1955–2011, US computer scientist and executive: co-founder (with Steve Wozniak, 1976) of the Apple computer company
All related terms of 'Jobs'
A job is the work that someone does to earn money.
an individual piece of work or task
axe jobs
A job is the work that someone does to earn money.
cost jobs
A job is the work that someone does to earn money.
odd jobs
casual work, esp domestic repairs
save jobs
A job is the work that someone does to earn money.
shed jobs
A job is the work that someone does to earn money.
change jobs
A job is the work that someone does to earn money.
protect jobs
A job is the work that someone does to earn money.
day job
the job that a person during the day to earn a living, as opposed to some more glamorous activity such as being a singer , dancer, actor , writer that they aspire to make their main source of income
eye job
cosmetic surgery to remove wrinkles and loose skin round the eyes
to do casual work or various small unskilled jobs
joe job
a dull unrewarding job or task
blow job
an act or instance of fellatio
boob job
a surgical remodelling of the breasts for cosmetic reasons
chin job
a cosmetic operation to improve the shape of the chin
good job
If you say that someone is doing a good job , you mean that they are doing something well . In British English , you can also say that they are making a good job of something.
job share
If two people job share , they share the same job by working part-time, for example one person working in the mornings and the other in the afternoons.
nose job
A nose job is a surgical operation that some people have to improve the shape of their nose.
rush job
something created quickly, urgently, or without due care
snow job
an instance of deceiving or overwhelming someone with elaborate often insincere talk
whack job
an eccentric or foolish person
jobs for the boys
If you refer to work as jobs for the boys , you mean that the work is unfairly given to someone's friends , supporters, or relations , even though they may not be the best qualified people to do it.
inside job
a crime committed with the assistance of someone associated with the victim , such as a person employed on the premises burgled
office job
a job based in an office, for example clerical or administrative work for an organization
summer job
a job that a student does in the summer vacation
hatchet job
To do a hatchet job on someone or something means to say or write something mentioning many bad things about them, which harms their reputation .
holiday job
a temporary job taken by a person during their holidays from school, college or university
put-up job
a plan or an event that has been arranged secretly in order to trick or deceive somebody
teaching job
a position as a teacher
dead-end job
a job that has no prospects and will mean that one does the same kind of ( low-grade ) work for ever
executive job
a job in which a person is responsible for the administration of a project , activity, or business
Job's comforter
a person who, while purporting to give sympathy , succeeds only in adding to distress
scissors-and-paste job
if you describe a piece of work as a scissors and paste job, you mean that it has been mechanically compiled , as if by simply cutting and pasting different parts to make a new whole