A job action is an action such as a strike in which workers join together and do something to show that they are unhappy with their pay or workingconditions.
[US]regional note: in BRIT, use industrial action
Experts say the cost of the job action will be hundreds of thousands of dollars ormore.
Strikes and other job actions by public employees are still illegal.
job action in British English
(dʒɒb ˈækʃən)
US and Canadian
a temporary action by workers, such as refusing to work, usually undertaken because they are unhappy with their pay or working conditions, and intended to force the employer to improve these
She called on the Ontario Hospital Association to return to the bargaining tableto avert the job action.
job action in American English
a joint refusal by a group of employees to perform all or part of their duties in an attempt to force the granting of certain demands; esp., such an action by a group forbidden by law to strike