I threw the plastic bag from the pirogue into Marnier's boat and found the spare jerry can of petrol in the cabin of the other launch.
Robert Wilson A DARKENING STAIN (2002)
He sent me back to the car to get the jerry can he had in the boot.
The wing mirrors had gone and the spare jerry can was bouncing along behind him, but by some miracle there were no pedestrians around.
Dobbs, Michael WALL GAMES (2002)
All related terms of 'jerry'
to build (houses, flats , etc) badly using cheap materials
If you describe houses or blocks of flats as jerry-built , you are critical of the fact that they have been built very quickly and cheaply, without much care for safety or quality.
the act of building ( houses , flats , etc) badly using cheap materials
Tom and Jerry
a hot mixed drink containing rum , brandy , egg , nutmeg , and sometimes milk
a flat-sided can with a capacity of between 4.5 and 5 gallons used for storing or transporting liquids, esp motor fuel : originally a German design adopted by the British Army during World War II
Tom, Dick, and Jerry
a hot mixed drink containing rum , brandy , egg, nutmeg , and sometimes milk